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KK the 2nd

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Everything posted by KK the 2nd

  1. I agree we are in deep sh*t with three others but not sure about the teams. Latest relegation odds would suggest Forest and Doncaster are in stronger position. Another big game on Saturday away at Doncaster! 2 Barnsley 2.25 Blackpool 2.37 Plymouth 2.75 Southampton 4 Nottm Forest 4.5 Doncaster
  2. I always thought there was little to choose between the three. All were ok, but only ok. Fully understand why we let Best & Blackstock go and would have accpeted any one of three.
  3. They say investing at this time is like "trying to catch a falling knife". Be careful.
  4. Sit in the kingsland but I thought the Northam helped the team last night.
  5. I disagree. I think he should have stayed on last night. We lost the midfield battle when he went off and Ipswich totally dominated from that point.
  6. Fair point, I accept I didn't hear all his commentary and maybe it was just the first 15 minutes that this was the case. However I do feel he was very judgemental and anti Saints in that period. Maybe he improved as the match progressed and he was then able to base his judgement on fact, having seen the style, the ability and the workrate of some of our youngsters.
  7. I listened to the first 15 minutes on radio 5 before seeing the rest of the match on sky. I concurr that Claridge was appalling and anti Saints. SKY was a lot more balanced. BTW What did happen to Grant Coleman? I remember him on Solent before I moved out of the area (and out of range of local radio) in the 80's.
  8. I recall seeing Dougal in the Dell car park after the match taking on about a dozen old bill who were trying to restrain and wrestle him to the ground. It was an awsome sight and he was one strong guy. I think our then leader was trying to get to the Archers from the Milton.
  9. Perhaps the words got jumbled, maybe it should have read Woman rescued from Dead Sea or Sea Woman rescued from dead
  10. I met Peter after the Leicester gane at the Walkers Stadium the season before last. Had a chat about the old days and the cup team. He was doing hospitality for Leicester then. Cannot for one moment see him watching a skate game at a dump of a ground.
  11. Probably Warsash with our finances! Still at least this continues to demonstrate intent to rebuild and dismantle the worst group of journeymen we have had as a team.
  12. http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/Notorious-bully-faces-a-long.4292527.jp Sounds a nasty piece of work. Can't believe his partner's name is real ... "Chantelle Rollason-Makepeace"
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