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  1. Still just find it strange. Aap3 were such frequent tweeters, I would imagine the person who ran the twitter account was a saints fan and chose to do it, probably part of their marketing/pr team and maybe he's left. Could be as simple as that. Orrrr maybe the relationship had broken down and the decision was made to stop tweeting on the saints. Either way its a shame because too much now we don't see a relationship between the sponsor and the club and with aap3 we did. Was very good as a fan to see. Very inkeeping with the 'family' concept.
  2. Was just wondering if I had missed something with regarda aap3 on twitter or the relationship between the club and sponsor? I always enjoyed following aap3 on twitter and felt they engaged really well with the fans but I've noticed its pretty much stopped, well in December anyway. What have I missed? Has anyone else noticed? I'm not saying there is anything to it, just thought it was great that that sponsors were so interested and were fans themselves.
  3. Oops sorry everyone, should have looked further for a thread already. Point taken and accepting of the thread being locked/deleted. Thanks for pointing it out SW11_Saint.
  4. I just wondered, with everything going on in the city over the next week (starting tomorrow). Is there a minute of silence/applause for those who lost their lives on the Titanic as its 100 years?
  5. Any pictures of Markus taking pictures on his own camera bless him? What a great guy! You can see how much he enjoyed himself!
  6. This may have been talked about already on here and apologies if it has, but has MLT been dropped for Soccer Saturday for the time being? He hasn't been on it since this betting stuff came out.
  7. That was a different team with a similar name, but they were from Egypt not Dubai.
  8. Who is paying for the photocopying of the books? They surely can't be reading over each others shoulders...or can they???
  9. Luck of the Irish haha
  10. Exactly my thinking, surely there is no need for the ticket office to be open at the moment? However I wouldn't like to see the staff laid off either, maybe they could be used else where for the time being, or working on research for possible season tickets / match tickets for next season so the new owners (I'm sure they are doing this themselves as well) have some research so that they can make announce prices as soon as possible.
  11. Haha, I'll give you that! I notice they are a semi-celtic band, must look into them a bit more.
  12. Theres something about it I actually quite like! Is it going to be released on itunes etc for download? A good money maker for SOS and a lift for our profile.
  13. Maybe interest only? But who know's with all the different boards we've had in during that time. Lets not forget, none of the Boards did anything about it, not just Lowe's.
  14. Anyone got a link to the MLT bit on Soccer Saturday? Everyone's telling me about it but I can't find it anywhere sadly, not even google!
  15. Any one ever thought about attaching a house 'for sale' sign to a flag pole outside the stadium? could be quite funny. or trying to smuggle 'for sale' signs into the stadium?
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