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Beer Engine

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Everything posted by Beer Engine

  1. Yeah but about his dinner money for next week ..?
  2. I'm not so sure. If you look at any footie forum people seem to argue about fresh air - it's just the nature of the beast. If I had the money to buy Saints, I would and I wouldn't even bother looking on this or any other forum - becasue my mind would have been made up by the numbers and potential numbers (combined with a sprinkling of the neccesary madness of course). And when (if!) it comes to the first home game of the season - we'll be roaring the lads (literally) on with one voice - and that is all that matters.
  3. I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. If we get a buyer, any buyer, then I will show my support in the way that matters by buying 4 season tickets for league 1 or 2. No ifs no buts. And I'm sure you'll do the same. If there were any way that a serious consortium of fans could be put together - and that is a massive "if" , then I would put in 10K for shares - but I just can't see 1000 fans being able to run a football club in peace.
  4. To be fair, the FL set out their position in April, having taken the trouble to do a forensic survey of the relationship between the 3 companies. If the automatic 10 points deduction applies then so does the possibility of further deductions/relegation under the FL's insolvency policy. The FL said this in their April statement which was posted on the FL website and the OS. How this could have become a genuine "new" issue 10 days ago is beyond me. The other thing is that Fry should be able to get a CVA for SLH plc and avoid further sanctions as part of an overall settlement between the creditors, Fry and the new owners. The extra points deduction is not a foregone conclusion.
  5. I'm trying to think what assets the club has and how much they are "worth". Players can be sold to other clubs - assuming that they have not exercised their right to walk for not having been paid - so Fry could start selling them NOW - but surely the players will just say, hang on if I wait for 2 more weeks I can walk free of charge and divert some of the transfer fee which my new club would otherwise have had to pay into my weekly wages - so the players are unlikely to cooperate - so potentially the value of the players could be NIL What value does SMS have to anyone other than a well supported football team? £3 million - £5 million? Or would the new saints company take the stadium subject to Aviva's mortgage? I just don't know but there must be a danger (opportunity) that the piecemeal sale of assets may only raise £5 million - or nothing at all - in which case a bid above that must get the green light. Just thinking out loud ..
  6. He came over as a patronising bull****ter with all that "how we [big boys] chuckled at that cartoon of the tyre kicker...." nonsense Hope he's having a laugh about it on his way to Holyhead last night ...
  7. I have been saying exactly the same thing - it's obvious that Pinnacle are using the FL issue (which has been spelled out by the FL since April) as a means of pushing down the price or to disguise the fact that they have no money. G-Tiss's infantile response to anyone who does not agree with him is to accuse them of not being "fans". Obviously, if we weren't fans we wouldn't be wasting half our lives debating the issue. The fact that we are fans does not, however, mean that we don't know the whiff of bv11$h1t when we smell it.
  8. What you say is right - but I think that Fry has been very niaive in letting the whole process go as far as it has on the basis of an alleged misunderstanding of the FL rules.
  9. is that Knobfosters in North London perchance?
  10. If you're serious about winding me up with your silly insults then I'll meet you any place you like at any time and I'll be bringing an iron bar - now **** off you ginger headed thick little ***t.
  11. I asked the Farmer to give the EXACT reason for the (errm) "delay" and he declined to answer. I have been pilloried on here for even suggesting that the FL issue is a smokescreen for the fact that Pinnacle don't have the funds to complete. But that's all it is - Pinnacle won't say anything of any substance about the FL issue because, as Fry has acknowldeged, it's bv11$h1t.
  12. If the Swiss pay the wages now then the pressure is off Fry and they lose their bargaining position. It's tough on the staff, but the reality is that the less the Swiss pay to buy the club, the more they'll have to invest in its development. Pinnacle are out of the picture - any remaining bidder can dictate terms - Fry is talking nonsense about a take it or leave it deal - if they leave it the club folds and the creditors share the proceeds of a fire sale ..
  13. And this is even better!
  14. Yes I have been drinking but Guided Missile is on absolutely top form tonight. I particularly like the stuff about the fans fawning over the potless Irishman, the equally potless London mate, the total nutjob and the arse ache ... I agree with you 100% GM
  15. Agree 100% There must be a real possibility of liquidation looming.
  16. It's now apparent that Pinnacle haven't got enough money to complete the takeover.
  17. Farmer 1. What EXACTLY is the cause of the delay?
  18. 1. Have they spent "over a million"? 2. The 10 point penalty and the possibility of this being increased to 25 or further relagation was known by the last week of April - see FL Statement. 3. Surely Pinnacle would have investigated the FL position BEFORE making a bid - a quick look at the Leeds arbitration findings would have told them what to expect in the way of waiver requirements from the FL. 4. The FL will not back down - Pinnacle know this. 5. So Pinnacle can decide NOW to either walk away or bite the bullet. The DELAY in taking a decision either way is inexplicable.
  19. I know - it's wierd isn't it. I think they're frightened in case Des and his mate Sasha Baron-Cohen read all the nasty things we've said about them on here and go off in hissie fit (taking MLT and their ninepence ha'penny with them)
  20. 100% with Nick on this one. Whatever the current state of our club we have a fantastic stadium and have proven that we can sell 32,000 tickets week in week out (cf Wigan) and, although I have not tried it myself, I'm told that the catering is world-class.
  21. yes, because so many people get pi**ed around these days by people who give the impression of being solid and trustworthy ... Do you imagine you would be so bleedin' philosophical if you'd worked for a month on the basis of smooth-tongued assurances only to be told you weren't going to get paid and you might lose your job?
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