Beer Engine
247 -
Everything posted by Beer Engine
Barclays and Aviva might actually lose less money by offering a favourable refinancing deal to SLH plc which would enable the company to exit administration and at least break even in League 1.
Just relax everyone - everything's going to be OK ...
If it IS Gillico Limited it's obviously just a shell company - it gives no indication as to the wealth of whoever is behind the bid and that company.
Why - does have any cash or business skills?
The Football League's action in applying the points deduction and requiring a contractual commitment from "new" Southampton not to challenge the decision is completely lawful. The FA Arbitration panel has upheld these waivers in the past (see Leeds). In addition, the High Court does not have jurisdiction to review the decisions of sports' governing bodies. As I have been saying for weeks, this is a complete non-issue raised by Liarman and Fiasco as a smokescreen for the true problem which is that they are a pair of impecunious bedwetters. Now can we please move on to the real world?
In the league regulations there is a specific right to appeal against the automatic 10 points deduction. You can only appeal if you went into admin/liquidation for reasons that were unforeseen and beyond your control - for example where you go bust because another club has defaulted on a debt to you. We didn't have grounds for that appeal and anyway there's a 7 day time limit from the date the FL notifies you of the deduction. However, there are other ways of trying to get the FL's decision set aside. You could go to arbitration under paragraph K of the FA regulations. You might also try to get the High Court to review the decision either because it was patently unreasonable or because there was some defect in the process by which the decision was made. You would almost certainly fail to get the FL's decision overturned whatever route you took. However, when agreeing to admit the new Southampton to the league, the FL want the certainty of knowing that the club will not throw the league structure into chaos by seeking to have the points deduction overturned. So the agreement by which the FL admit the club contains a clause by which the club agrees not to pursue any action or take any steps to try and get the points deduction overturned. Strictly speaking the club is giving a much wider undertaking than a waiver of appeal rights and the term "appeal" in this context is misleading.
Are you in league with Gingeletiss? Everytime anyone engages their brain, Gingeletiss accuses them of not being a "fan" and now you, it seems, favour the standard "you must be a Skate" riposte for those with whose views you don't agree ..
That could well be it - but, if so, it doesn't inspire much faith in his business acumen.
Having said that LA Cringe - you do seem to treat the critical faculties of others with deep hostility and suspicion ...
Oh God ... I'd forgotten about that ... uugghh
Like I said, it was Mark Almond on his Soft Cell Phone ...
It was actually Marc Almond.
For the record I feel very let down by MLT. How many times did he give interviews telling us in all seriousness that the Pinnacle deal would be completed within a few hours and he would be installed as chairman. MLT's utterances were the only reason I kept any faith with Pinnacle. I could not believe that he could sound so sincere if he were not telling the truth.
I would have done but for the fact that I'd probably get lynched.
Yes I do - it all smacks of sticking to a carefully prepared script for arse-covering purposes.
All this just points to the folly of a running a club on an overdraft - it effectively makes some jobsworth from some high street bank the CEO and DoF. In an us or them situation banks don't give a $h1t about their customers.
F*ck off Lynam. F*ck off Fialka. F*ck off the entire bu11$h1t Pinnacle fairytale B0110CKS
The FL made its position clear in April. Nothing has changed. Lynam, Fialka and MLT are full of $h1t. Let's move on.
This all smacks of clutching at straws to me. I agree that Wotte is a top bloke for sticking with us during all the cr[ap of the last few months. However, many of our performances under his charge were truly woeful in terms of tactics and commitment. Can't see his appointment lasting beyond the first ten games of the season.
I can't speak for my fellow sceptics of course, but for my own part, I would have been delighted if TL and MLT had done what they said they were going to do. It was only when those feeble excuses started to surface just before the time for the cash to be handed over that I and a few others smelled a rat. It wasn't a campaign of hate just a realistic appraisal of the few facts that were available.
Would that include some nice humble pie for afters or does one need to go a la carte for such delicacies?
Is it fair to say that his reputation for business matters does not match up to his legendary status as a player?
I went there on a biology field trip in that late 90's and the ground was way less than half full ..
Lynam is an impecunious bv11$hitter as many of us have been saying for weeks. MLT has either cynically milked his legend status or demonstrated that he is a gullible idiot in matters of business.
For Liartelis, and the trifling of his favour, Hold it a fashion, and a toy in blood, A violet in da Yoof of primy nature, Forward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting ...