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Matthew Le Tissier

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Everything posted by Matthew Le Tissier

  1. Lol you lot still at it!! I'm happy to say that today is the day. I'm super excited. I'm shouting, "Hooray!" I woke up delighted and ready to go. My mind is abuzz and my eyes are aglow. There's no doubt about it. It's perfectly clear. The time is upon us. The moment is here.
  2. The photo was posted on twitter 5 days before he was there Probably posted deliberately to keep Cardiff fans happy!!
  3. Told you weeks ago caulker has already been to staplewood. I think he will be a saints player
  4. You would be if you knew what I know.
  5. Right I'm off to bed, big day tomorrow and if I sit here reading this crisp any longer I'm an actually going to **** my pants
  6. God you lot are a bunch of bed wetters!! Haha
  7. Look at koemans socks he has been wearing in training!! They also have the rank yellow!!
  8. If they want to leave let them go! Who wants players who don't want to be here! Good riddance
  9. If you look at the photo in the echo on the back page this may give away some clues!? Were players issued full length football socks in training kit format last season. Ankle white socks yes. I haven't seen no training socks. If someone wanted football socks last year the official socks were used I believe. Just a thought for you detectives lol
  10. If we don't keep hold of jack cork then someone has rocks in there head. He is a player and does not get the credit he should. Great player in my opinion and would cost a lot of money to find a replacement equally as good
  11. Had Ashley cole been playing in the World Cup IDE say there would be a good chance we would have went through. He would have probably read both goals specialy the first one. Ashley cole although a bit of a wally is a great player and would be perfect for a season or 2 for target to learn from. No brainer in my opinion if he doesn't want more than 50k a week which is unlikely
  12. After last nights performance I hope they concentrate on Hernandez and not felaini , he was dia
  13. The to boxes that don't show on here are arrows pointing up He's basically saying well done mate for getter a move out of here to a better team, I'm trying my best. A text to luke would have done. Or maybe good luck mate Not well done for moving up
  14. Well from what I hear the bloke is a complete tool. And has become majorly up his own arse since he was given the arm band. He thought he was above everyone. But was clever at coming across a nice boy in interviews. Rather similar to cortese but not quite on that level. But a tosser all the same. His actions recently proved everything I was told was spot on. I think lovren has acted equally as disrespectful by his pathetic post to Luke shaw on twitter. He's either really thick or just disrespecting the club that pay his wages. Total lack of class I'm afraid. I don't include Ricky in any of this. Those muppets should take a leaf out of his book. Good ridence I think with them we would not have improved on last years position This year we will
  15. IDE rather Hernandez than gaylicker. He isn't going to cut it I'm afraid.
  16. Ps the shops only shut to take stock of all the Felaini wigs
  17. If city or Chelsea started using there own brand kit everyone would be WOW They are minted they can even have there own kit made bespoke for them!! And everyone would be suggesting we done it!! Who gives a toss what the kit is, or what it looks like, if it got us 10 points more a season IDE be with ya, but infact what the hell does it matter!! Cabt believe the interest and debate of what bloody kit we will be using !!
  18. Why you all in shock , I told you this 6 months ago! The icing on the cake is still to come! Hope your all excited!!
  19. When you got 80 million to spend and one if The best facilities in the world anything is possible Apparently market traders in st Mary's have ordered the wigs already . One would be great but IDE like to see the pea playing off falaini, also depends on utd signings I believe
  20. All I'm saying is don't rule out felaini or Hernandez signing
  21. Apparently part of the utd deal was first refusal on 1 of 2 players , not sure if any weight in the rumour but obviously hernandes as been mentioned for ages but poch still wanting him. And felaini lol
  22. No Belgium players take your fancy then
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