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Matthew Le Tissier

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Everything posted by Matthew Le Tissier

  1. I think you need to learn how to read? at what point in my fist post or any post did i say ( i heard it straight from the horses mouth) someone who i spoke to Saturday was told by alan what i have posted here. hence why i said(and thats straight from the horses mouth) i hope that clears that little issue you have up for you .
  2. The show doesn't have a audience mate. soccer am has a little one but soccer Saturday does not. the studio is far to small and is just the 5 lads 2 camera men/women and a floor manager,and half a dozen people in the studio next door working on the computers getting scores etc. oh and what little weezel mentioned it was mentioned to feel superior? why i don't get it??? who on earth would feel superior by watching a low budget football result show? maybe you? how very strange.
  3. i don't recall saying that(i) heard it straight from the horses mouth....i find it hilarious how some of you buffoons challenge everything people say and brand it nonsense. just take the post as a little inside information and think your selfs lucky people are sharing things with you.im glad i held the best bit back as i cant be assed to waste my time justifying myself. i must say.its spot on what the general opinion of users of this site is.
  4. just wait and see, the person who said it may not wanted it posted over the internet.but i can assure you if there was no backbone to it i wouldn't even bother typing it in. just because someone doesn't want to blab names it doesn't mean its nonsense ....time will tell. by the way forgot to add stelling is a legend, he read my sunday league teams fixture and venue out on the show....he is a genius that man
  5. just wait and see. shearer will be the next saints manager.
  6. Just thought i would share with you what a great day i had yesterday.. went up to soccer Saturday with tiss yesterday as his guest, the boys were all class and couldn't meet a nicer bunch of lads, Jeff is a genius!! there was some interesting things said off camera and one being.. When or if we get taken over Shearer WILL take the saints job, and thats straight from the horses mouth. Matt is a legend and does us proud up there every week. is face off camera when the skates score is a picture!!
  7. were filling up in the petty station in stubington earlier? i thought they were on england duty? or at least 2 of them?
  8. ****
  9. Thinking of flogging my Original Vintage 1959 Fender Precision Bass Guitar! 100% ORIGINAL! LATE58/EARLY 59. ANODIZE GOLD PICKGUARD!
  10. i did post recorded but it was so long ago i cant find the slip
  12. does anyone know this user on this forum, about 8 months ago i sent him all my videos as he very nicely offered to convert them all to dvd, however it now seems he has disapeered from the face of the earth and is un-contactable and looks like i have been ripped off a treat by a fellow saints fan! any help would be appreciated, i did make contact about 3 months ago and he said he had done them and would post them, but i never got them. they are all rare vids and took ages to track down etc so im pretty gutted!!
  13. my thoughts also this was the best and most organised i have seen the boys since Strachan.
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