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Matthew Le Tissier

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Everything posted by Matthew Le Tissier

  1. o dear. why hasnt anybody got the heart and the balls to tell him hes got no hope dont waste the time your ****e, i think matty kind off polity said that
  2. Drink what the **** you like
  3. DIDNT HE PLAY FOR US? Mr Ian Baird ** Duval Court ** Bedfordbury London WC2N 4DQ 0207 *** 6240 07921 542**0 baird.ian@btinternet.com
  4. Wheres this to?
  5. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/news/?page_id=10957&cp=28
  6. has anyone got the link for the photos from yesterdays match as i always struggle ti find them?
  7. im injured at the mo so i took the video down to video the lads game the weekend, i was realy happy with the picture etc ...buttttttt.......it sounds like im in the middle of a hurricane???? how do you hide the wind but still get noises from the pitch??????
  8. the funny thing is i bet you haven't donated a penny.well maybe 50p. you are to tight to even join this forum. so don't give me ( as small as a days wage) if everyone in the country including you (if you are not a doll bludger) donated a days wage (regardless of how much it was) they would have raised millions. i cant be arsed to waste my time with children like you who have very strange ideas, Thanks for the pms from many of you agreeing with me and sharing my opinion about this circus dwarf like tumor. I think its about time this thread was closed as its going round in circles just for the record i donated 200 pounds, if sold by the club in the shop the shirts would raise 120.00, so the rbl are £80 pounds better off and the club have not lost a penny, cant see the problem really. ps, i will also be speaking to Leighton as its clear someone has been disclosing information about this to a 3rd party in order to cause trouble as i have not mentioned about donating for 2 shirts, if this is the case i will be sure to report it as its no body's business apart from mine and the clubs. specialy not this little stu chap.
  9. not only do you look funny but you come across even funnier. you sound like a jealous little kid, im not sure why? im not sure if you are aware but in order to raise as much money for charity as possible there tends to be a incentive involved. hence a auction or a raffle! just one example. football aid where big money is paid to play at your teams ground!! x service men are very grateful for all the money raised by charity auctions and raffles and if it wasn't for that kind of fund raising the Charity would not generate half as much money. just for the record i didn't think the army allowed umpa lumpas to join up? Just read your post and think long and hard of what you have typed and how most the money for charity is raised and you will realize what a total cvnt you are.
  10. shuuushhhh you little deformed dwarf like object, if i want a saints shirt i dont have to donate money to get one. i have donated a days wages for a good cause for a shirt i could have got for free. PM me and we can have a beer before the next match and you can bad mouth me then. PS . so when the people bid in the auction for the shirts each year to raise thousands of pounds it has absolutely f*ck all to do with donating to the British Legion and everything to do with peoples strange fetish to collect sweaty football shirts. your pathetic
  11. OK great. i spoke to Leighton and donated money and will get Lallana's shirt from last week and unwashed from todays game, great out come all round.... well done Leighton,
  12. Anyone know where i can get any. Seen the ones on bristols site but they only show bristol players. Shame bristol can update there site and they were away and we cant?
  13. what are you saying?
  14. Thank you for your email and sorry for the delay in reply. I am out of the office until wednesday but i will deal with your request on my return. Many thanks
  15. ohhh dear looks more to it than i first thought, i am not bothered about some a1 movie video, just something we can watch and remember it one day. the wedding is at the new place in wickham and so is the evening **** up, in the manor house with a casino and a few live bands and a dj ..with a curry buffet. has anyone got any hooky editing software for sale?
  16. matty is currently on holiday there
  17. i would like to see fergys nipper in the hot seat
  18. me also.sent to 7 different people.all ignored
  19. hi. im getting married in December and i have been to a few edding fairs etc. the video people wanted 2 k to film the wedding so i went out and purchased a nice 10mp hd sony camcorder with a hardrive and all lenses and tripod etc for about a grand all in total, this way i can have a camera on honeymoon to. has anyone got any tips etc as i haven't got a clue
  20. maybe you should print off 100 photos and get him to sign them and sell them on ebay. you will make a packey http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FRANK-WORTHINGTON-LEICESTER-CITY-SIGNED-PHOTO-PROOF-COA_W0QQitemZ330284186696QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item330284186696&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1301|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318
  21. He was telling me about that punch and said he never Knew why he done it as it was completely out of the blue. A few years later steve williams told his it was about 2 or 3 games before glen tackled davis and caught his ankle, since then he didn't like him. I remember when he came back to the dell they had to delay the kick off to remove all the bananas off the pitch. How things have changed!! (for the better)
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