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Matthew Le Tissier

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Everything posted by Matthew Le Tissier

  1. hi, just got a voucher from a insurance settlement from signet, this can be transfered and has a 3 year life and can use the balance in as many purchases as you like. it is worth £825 and will sell for £725 so anyone who is planning on buying any jewellery etc will get it £100 cheeper straight away. first come first served. 07876778891
  2. Bull**** Theif
  3. Hi Guys The shirts that were recently stolen were stolen from a friend from his house while his family were in. The Theives only took the shirts and other Memorabilia so it was clearly targeted at that. The shirts Included various Southampton Players shirts from the 2001 Season. And Also International player shirts from the below countrys. DENMARK, GREECE, NORWAY, USA, ROMANIA, NIGERIA,REP OF IRELAND, MOLDOVA, POLAND,GEORGIA, ITALY. Any info on any of the above please pm me with details. Nice reward on offer for anyone who can supply any info to get the shirts back, if the shirts can be returned thats good enough if the theif is regretting his actions.
  4. Hi Guys The shirts that were recently stolen were stolen from a friend from his house while his family were in. The Theives only took the shirts and other Memorabilia so it was clearly targeted at that. The shirts Included various Southampton Players shirts from the 2001 Season. And Also International player shirts from the below countrys. DENMARK, GREECE, NORWAY, USA, ROMANIA, NIGERIA,REP OF IRELAND, MOLDOVA, POLAND,GEORGIA, ITALY. Any info on any of the above please pm me with details. Nice reward on offer for anyone who can supply any info to get the shirts back, if the shirts can be returned thats good enough if the theif is regretting his actions.
  5. Don't get it
  6. Hi a friend of mine has recently been broken into and had some of his football shirts stolen, various Southampton players shirts were stolen and also various players shirts from a few countries Inc Denmark, USA, Greece etc . So please if anyone in the soton area offers anything like this let me know, there is a healthy reward for any info!
  7. Any players saints shirts old or new, good cash prices paid
  8. Great thanks for your help
  9. Thanks for all your comments and advice everyone ! You've been a great help! Think I'll just ignore him, will also say which I forgot to mention. None of hid letters are signed for or recorded which o thought was strange
  10. Thing is he says in his letters if I go to court and lose which he's adamant I will I will then have to foot the bills of all his legal costs?
  11. You mention sweat of the brow!! The image I found online is nothing like his image as some before has made it very cleverly , If you cam imagine he has thousands of action photos of individual players. Someone robbed the faces of around 13 of of his photos and made up one photo with just 13 faces of saints legends then added text to it! So the photo is nothing like anything he has but on close inspection you can see the heads are from the individual photos he has on his site. Maybe I should just pay the man if I don't have a leg to stand on! Sheet
  12. Realy?? Any more info? He sent me copy of the screen etc! He's a right ****bag
  13. Hi Guys Has anyone any advice for me on this!! i was trolling google images a few years back and came accross a photo, it was a photo of lots of past saints legends faces and the words southampton fc along the bottom. i loved this so i put it onto my website! http://www.footballshirtcollector.com now 2 years on a gentleman from http://www.sporting-heroes.net has contacted me asking for £1200 for using his photos. the one photo i found had 15 or so faces on so he has charged me his fee 15 times. someone at some point must have robbed the faces of his individual player photos and made this one up! how was i suppose to know that as it had no copyrite or any of his details stamped on the photo? i think it could have been gheko saint who made this up i cant remeber. im sure it was him as he also saw the photo on my website and said he didnt mind i robbed his photo!! which ill also add didnt have his stamp on either. so im not sure what to do really, does this guy have a case against me? i cant see how , if he had his web address or copyrite on the photo i could understand, however if it had that i never would have used it! i have told him my website is not a business and dont have the funds, also as soon as he made me aware of this the photo in question was removed, however he is still pestering me threatening me with court proceedings, he has halfed it to 600 as a good will gesture tho to settle without the hassle with court. this makes me think he is blagging it, as he states he will clearly win without fail at court , so why reduce the money? not sure what to do? any help would be great! please excuse the gramor and spelling as i had to rush this and im thick as ****
  14. Not hear say, You will see in time.
  15. Must also add, we were given a signed ball by the club and also wrote a recorded letter requesting a shirt which we didn't even get a reply.
  16. Was a good night and raised around 5k I think . For me the best story was the lads saying about the text from nicola to pards 4 minutes after the 4:0 win It read Why did you only play prado for 5 minutes. Then a row occurred and he was sacked. Then Someone had the Brazilian put straight in the team.
  17. If your happy with that more fool you.
  18. I can tell you now Adkins has the job, this is from a source close to ****esi. You will see tmrw Best you give up dreaming about a big name tho' as it isn't going to happen Adkins is a yes man That's why we have him
  19. He's got the job already but they will officially appoint him tomorrow. 100%
  20. I got a sit on hornet that I'll take £300 for . No less
  21. Not that it really matters but I hear nc is sacking people for fun again we had a great club doctor and his team who operated part time and nc wasn't happy with this and insisted we had to have a full time doctor and medical team like Chelsea. He offered the dr a full time contract which is not possible as most have there own practice, so nc said get lost! Now he has searched the country high and low for a new full time dr and can't get one. In the mean time Portsmouth have poached our medical team on a part time basis. Totaly useless info bit IDE thought I share it.
  22. the house and the kid probably
  23. these shirts were worn between 1970 and 1973 pre 1970 the shirts had a white background on the numbers, between 70 and 72 they did not and used these shirts. after 1973 the shirts changed and had collors and then shortly after a saints crest was added. The number 7 was worn by mainly terry paine all the time bobby stokes and o brian thompson and o neil once or twice the number 11 was worn by all the above and various others.
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