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Matthew Le Tissier

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Everything posted by Matthew Le Tissier

  1. If your interested in selling mate just fine me a bell or text in 07876778891 as I don't always check this place
  2. Can collect with cash today if you local ish! Assuming you will sell not that is?
  3. Hi mate will you take £300 for the shirt above!!
  4. It was worn in the EPSON super cup in Singapore in 1987 See "in that number " under friendlys !
  5. Centenary was draper tools . I'll post a photo if I get it
  6. Just wondered if anyone can cast back all those years. Obviously I know our centenary shirt sponsor was draper tools but I'm in talks with an ex player about some shirts and he has an away centenary shirt he wore but strangely has the sponsor EPSON on it. I've never seen this. He seems to think he may have been used in the cup matches but he just doesn't remember, I don't remember that!? Maybe pre season or a testimonial ?? Anyone have any memories of this!?? Cheers
  7. Ex saints playing against Warsash at locks heath ground 5pm kick off this Friday if anyone interested After match all Welcome back to the jolly farmer Warsash for a charity race nice, players will also attend if you would like to catch up with any of the Ex saints. Some players include, Steve baker, mark blake, David Hughes, mark Wright, Reuben Agboola, Matt le Tiss, glen Cockerill , flash, Dave picket, Jo tessem, Ian Baird , tommy widderington Other players included in Warsash side are Paul cook , Leam Richardson , Ian foster pompey boss and assistant and coach Paul Walsh,lee Bradbury ,
  8. Lovely quality , shame I just buffers all the time for me. Had no joy with the advise willow gave above.
  9. Well I have just spent the last half hour trying to instal this mucky duck. It will not do it for me , when I go to instal from zip file nothing happens when I click on it. What a load of tosh that is
  10. Yes mate very helpful! Thanks
  11. Me to, bank details I used I think. 24 quid ish 3 months
  12. I uninstalled it and reinstalled and it seems to work Ive had a few channels on and tried a movie on genesis and works ok. Bit strange as the version I uninstalled was the same as the one I reinstalled I'm new to this so are the things below normal or am I doing something wrong!? 1. When I go onto various movie apps. Popcorn time, movie25 and a few others. There is no movies in the library's of each section, like new releases etc. 2. I assume you go on sports mania site to see what channel your match is on and then find Chanel rather than checking everyone as I can't see any info on the app where what's on what channel!? 3. Is it Normall to have 70 odd links to frozen fever for example and not find one that works. Like stream not available . 4. I seem to get a lot of buffering on most stuff. I'm running on by infinity. 5. Are there any good movie apps that are like the best available as the ones I have either have no library or are not great with most movie links not available. I have popcorn time on my Mac but can't get a library on the android box. 6. Is there anything else I can download to get football rather than the sm app I paid for? Just as like a back up. 7. When you get a movie up can you save it or download it so you don't have to search for a working link next time. Frozen feaver will be watched 100 times a day so would be handy to just save it? 8. Can you record a match if your out? 9. Any advise on tips and great apps would come in handy as I'll be the first to tell you this is blowing my mind! Thanks in advance. In going to lock myself under the stairs to de stress
  13. Does sportamania have phone support?
  14. Can you get sports mania on iPad to then
  15. Hahahahah. Mine is a bag of sh7t
  16. Checked network and says I'm connected. Brings up all channels etc on genesis , porn, and sportamania But whenever I click on any stream it won't play. Not been able to play anything without any error message tonight. It must be a setting somewhere and I have no idea what half the stuff even means! And trying to guess and check boxes could result in even more of a disaster. Had it working ok last night on movies, sm and porn It's strange. I've turned it off at mains and will try later as the mrs wanted to watch the soaps. In getting paranoid now thinking it's the baby monitor messing with my wifi. When I tried it last night there was no monitor in the room! Maybe that's rubbish but bt blamed that on my wireless being a little slow as they tested my line and I was getting what infinity should. I would like to bypass wifi and use a cable but the router is in another bloody room. It should work as it says it's all connected with full wifi signal On a serious note of there is anyone who is a geek and understands these boxes in happy to pay to get it set up right as this is doing my box in
  17. I thought I had!? Oh geez. It worked ok last night Can't even get porn tonight
  18. Just says error script failed That was from going into sm Sports Arena And then displayed one or more items failed to play check log files
  19. Just tried restarting router. And still rubbish
  20. Also any movie I click on on genesis says no stream available grrrrr
  21. I just brought a xbmc box with kodi and have sm add on
  22. The other night I had it working fine. All channels were listed down one side in text format Now today they are like thumbnails and jack all will load
  23. Says opening stream Then goes to working bottom right Then the error comes up Sometimes also has a red x at bottom right when the tab that says working goes In having no luck with this pile of poo If anyone is well clued up on this I'll be happy to pay someone to pop over and set it up and give me a quick lesson lol
  24. Is it something in doing wrong when I go into sportamania Then into sports or anything And try to open a folder, let's say by sport for example And it won't open after trying and says One or more items failed to play Check file log for more details
  25. Well I got my mxbc or whatever it is and I must say in struggling to work out how to use it. Managed to get some porn on today and I've added sportamania and got that working. How do you know what Chanel your team is on on match day? Does it list what matches are on what channels? Tried loads of other stuff from you tube advise but none work lol Added movie 25 as it said this was to replace mash up Added it ok but no programs in the libraries . Probably something I have done!? I'm not sure how else you get links to games. All a bit of a headake. Maybe I'll get the hang of it
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