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Chin Strain

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Everything posted by Chin Strain

  1. Sorry, just logged on!
  2. Have they got a sub goalie?
  3. Motors tv... http://www.motorstv.com/car/others/nascar-nationwide-series
  4. I think they all deferred wages voluntarily. To be fair under the Football Creditors rule, they were always going to be paid. I guess it depends on what the administrator says to the Pompey players when he meets them....they may just carry on not being paid.
  5. I've just watched it again and the forwards touch took him wide out towards the touchline, so IMHO that's a yellow by the book, especially considering how far out the striker was. There was at least one defender who was covering. Going by the natural reaction to a tackle from a keeper like that, I can see why Jewell was relieved, but I don't think from where the striker had poked the ball it was 'denying a clear goal scoring opportunity' (which I think is the rule) - it would have been an unbelievable finish from out there to score, given the covering players.
  6. I reckon that's Vitali's lot. He looked ordinary against an ordinary fighter. I'd think Haye would get in with him and win. What was Chisora doing spitting water over Wladimir? That's a disgrace.
  7. This. Lived in Melbourne in the mid 90's. Plan to go back later in life for some more. Love it there.Perth was good, but way too remote to live permanently
  8. George Gavin, Football League Weekend: 'It's hard on the players because they've won those points, so it's unfair to have them taken away'.
  9. I'd imagine: 1. Parachute payment advance will be top of the list. Otherwise, loan out as many players as possible for loan fees 2. Money in the bank from Chelsea game, PP advance, player sale in Jan 3. From any money they raise / have 4. Players...FC rule. Other staff...good question 5. Sounds like Birch knows the score - everyone out and play with the youth team 6. Until they run out of money. Player salaries due end of Feb, so they've got a bill of £3m to pay between now and then (2 months salaries). I wonder how they will get on in March, as £3m is a lot of their available cash. Of course, the reduction that has been quoted down to 10p in the £ for the last CVA will help, but unless they can burn the players on high wages, and can negotiate a deal with Chinny for the ground, they're still in the sh 1t
  10. But Ottawa's in Ontario....
  11. I suspect this is all linked to FC rule, and those 'discussions'. FL may well be giving up some ground to try and protect the FC rule.
  12. SSN saying the argument is that the last admin was in a different league (PL...FFS) so points deduction should be 10. Madness.... HMRC arguing against AA appointment.
  13. They're all heroes though, dontchano
  14. I can't see that appointing different administrators is going to help in any way whatsoever (if the aim is for PFC to survive).
  15. But somebody, somewhere needs to find the cash to fund admin. It's not just a case of 'yes you can go into admin, off you go'. This completely and totally hinges on whether the PL will give them the next parachute payment.....which would then be tantamount to stuffing the previous creditors. This is where it's going to get complicated, and I assume then the previous creditors have options available to them.....but I'm not entirely sure what they are.
  16. Hang on, Ally McCoist just claimed that Rangers have the best fans in the world. That can't be right, surely?
  17. Cos Guly was very good on Saturday I suspect
  18. They beat Pompey last time out!
  19. They beat {ompey last time out!
  20. Maybe they can't count:spaz:
  21. So assuming Chinny's not going to put any money in (and why would he?)....KA-BOOM
  22. Does it still count one?
  23. How would they stand if they missed the first CVA payment? Without an 'investor' even if they got the parachute payment I can't see that they could pay the players, pay the taxman, pay the first CVA and get to the end of the season. It just doesn't stack up. A normal administration would be 10 point deduction. Failing to meet any CVA payments from the last CVA, a wish to have a payment advanced whilst not selling players in the window, would sit very uncomfortably with the other teams in the division. What if one of the other teams asked for monies to be advanced that they're expecting in the summer, just so they could keep their squad together? As a creditor (tax payer), I'm uncomfortable with PPs that have been earmarked for the last CVA, being used to pay players. It basically further diminishes any chance we have of getting the 20p in the £ back. Due to the last CVA the implications of advancing PPs are pretty complex I'd imagine. There should be some pretty hefty strings attached to any advance of parachute payments - whether that's automatic relegation, or a massive points hit, I don't know.
  24. The parachute payment advance is key to them being allowed to go into admin IMHO. I can't see Chinny chasing £17m, or whatever he's 'owed' (I'm certain he would have had a chunk of this already via player sales etc) by spending a further £x million to fund them. It's already well into diminishing returns, and I suspect he knows it's time to cut his losses, hang on to the ground, and hope he can flog it for a few million in the future
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