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Chin Strain

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Everything posted by Chin Strain

  1. Yep, me. My girls are 6 and nearly 9. It wouldn't cross my mind to leave them in a hotel room whilst I went to dinner. It's just not something that I would ever do, and have never done it. Our holidays are tailored around their ages. When they were younger we'd go self catering and stay in during the evening. We may go out early evening for food, but they'd come with us and eat with us. Nowadays they eat out with us and we don't stay out late. Kids change your holidays and lifestyle. If you're not prepared to change your lifestyle, don't have kids (I'm not having a go at you by the way, it's just my personal opinion).
  2. You'd wonder about how these guys get on when you have players on $5.5m and $3m (Becks and Keane) and colleagues on $32k. Must make it interesting in the dressing room.
  3. Yep, I'll go with this.
  4. It's not something I've ever done, or will ever do so, in my eyes, they were wrong. However, that's a hell of a price to pay for parents and child.
  5. £83m worth though!
  6. Morgan played 30 times in our relegated Championship side in 08/09
  7. I didn't think anyone faxed now. Surely they'd have emailed!
  8. This
  9. Anyone with a transfer fee attached will be a complete no go. Journeymen and out of contract players only.
  10. Normally it would be the last day of the season beer up....but recovering from a hernia op, so may be a bit more reserved today. The trip to SMS is my first out of the house for a week.....if we win I may be back in to have it repaired again on Monday:uhoh:
  11. I don't think that matters - they'll still go into admin probably to get rid of the debt (depending if the penalty is harsher than 9 points)
  12. The FL and PL will need some pretty draconian penalties ready to come into play should HMRC win. The first thing you'll see is WHU going into admin, quickly followed by Sheffield United, who will be dragged down by WHU. WHU can't go into admin now because 80% of their debts are football debts so, whilst I think it's right that HMRC should win, the short term issues will be big. After all, WHU would happily take a 10 point deduction to shed c. £100m of debt
  13. Or Saints to make the playoffs - 13/2 on Bet365
  14. You'd like to hope that this is true, but I know plenty of skates who also seem to think like pikey123, and some of them are actually quite intelligent. It's a depressing reflection on society that football, and the greed that goes with it, blinds so many to the difference between right and wrong.
  15. You see, in a nutshell, that's your problem. You actually believe this drivel. The same sort of drivel that you're the best fans in the world, that you're a 'sleeping giant', that we're somehow, unbelievably, jealous of you, and harbour bitterness to wards you. This drivel has been rolled out so much over the last couple of years that you actually believe it. It defies logic. It's ludicrous. It makes you sound pathetic. It's DESPERATE. We don't care if your website tells you that Derby have written to tell you how great you are, and how well you handled relegation. We're not jealous of your 3 admins in 13 years. We're not jealous that you managed to go back into admin within 18 months of coming out of admin. We're not bitter that you have a run down 'stadium' that holds 20,000 and you can only get about 12k home fans in every other weekend We're not bitter that you've been relegated to League 1 We laugh at your inability to own any kind of fixed assets, such as a training ground It's hilarious that you've got a Hong Kong moneylender trying to inflict a couple more years of misery as he tries to pick over the carcass of the parachute payments, leading to the inevitable admin again once those payments have gone. It's laughable that you think the players currently bleeding you dry and getting you relegated are heros. They're not...they're killing you. It's them...they're the reason why you'll either be owned by Chanrai or liquidated. We are incredulous that you can completely fail to service the last CVA and yet feel it's right that you shouldn't get any further points deduction. But, more than that, any right minded person, football fan or not, would be disgusted that you can rip off so many people so many times and think it's ok. Even defending the club. These are, largely, local people / schools / charities / businesses where the money makes a difference. It's disgusting. Yet what do we hear from you? That we're bitter and jealous. FFS, are you really that simple? Question: Are you embarrassed by your football club? Are you embarrassed that you were up for 'community club of the year'? If you're not, you're a low life who has no moral compass. If you are...let us know. We're interested. You might have noticed.
  16. The ground is secured to him though (I think). As such, he just bids £1 more than the next highest bidder for the ground, the money goes from him to Birch and back to him. He can then do what he likes with the ground. Birch probably wants to sell the club as a whole, but if someone just wants the ground and not the club, and that's the best offer, he'll have to sell it in lots.
  17. But he doesn't...he gets the ground, with no football club, and therefore there's nothing in his way to change the usage and flog it for development. Alternatively he could take the club over, cover all the football debts (deferred player wages) that eat into remaining parachute payments, cover off any pay offs to players going or, more likely, cover the shortfall in wages for next year. Worst case scenario, nobody leaves and he ends up with a £15m+ wage bill for next season. It'll cost him at least £8 - £10m to cover that...all to chase down £17m. Sure, he may get some transfer fees (not big money though), but it still doesn't stack up. The only way it does is if he either is allowed to sack players (relies on the FCR rule being overturned) or players leave for no pay off. If he can shift enough of them to allow income to cover all expenses, then fair enough. But that's unlikely I'd have thought. I still don't see how he's better off with the club being a going concern, rather than being liquidated and him simply selling the ground to the highest bidder.
  18. You'd have thought he'd have a better understanding of the way football works now though!
  19. So wouldn't he be better off with no football club , giving him a free hand to do what he likes with the ground? Same end result as taking the club back, running it for a coupe of years to eek out the PPs, but without having to shove millions in to subsidise the wages. Maybe he thinks there's value in the playing staff, or that he can offload all the high earners for nothing. It still doesn't stack up....maybe he's looking for Birch to lose all the high earners before he takes the club over again. But, unless the players agree to go quietly and for next to no pay off, any monies due to them will come out as part of the FCR, so the remaining PPs will be needed for that.
  20. So, Chinny coming back must be heavily reliant on getting the wages down for next season to be covered by income only. In that respect he must be assuming the players will just leave without a pay off, or he's under the misguided view that they will be able to bank a transfer fee for them. The other option is that he's hoping that HMRC win the FCR and he can just fire them all. Given that TB has said that there will only be very little by way of parachute payments coming to the club, he can't be in it for this. Maybe he has a deal to sell the ground to Tescos. Maybe. Otherwise, I simply can't see why he's coming back. What's in it for him? Unless he can start making money from them it's throwing cash away. Have I missed something?
  21. I doubt it - they just want the investigation part. The CVA is then down to voting...and they'll vote against unless it's 100p in the £
  22. So The News sends two reporters, with the end result being that they update exactly the same thing seconds apart:facepalm:
  23. Blimey, you don't want much do you!
  24. Around town I get about 40mpg on average. On a run it's 50 mpg, but depends if I boot it or not. Mine's the 2 litre TDi 170 BHP though. To be honest it's not as economical as I think it should be.
  25. Good choice. I'll be interested to hear how you get on. I understand VDC is a must option on the 5 series. Interested in your comment on the A5 Sportback. I'm 6 ft 4 too, and don't have any issues in mine. I'm starting to have a look around and have considered the 5 series, but am more tempted at the moment by either a new A6 S Line (not sure whether saloon or Avant) or a 3 month old A7 S-Line. Alternatively the other options are waiting for the facelifted Q5 later in the year, or a 5 series. It all depends on the deal!
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