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Chin Strain

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Everything posted by Chin Strain

  1. I saw Rickie Lambert last night and, I don't know if you know, but I would estimate that he stood at nearly 6 ft 3.
  2. I agree. Jacob basically stuffed up in October when Portpin leant the money to Falcondrone. Jacob drew up a charge on FP, which is a PCFC asset and, unfortunately for his career at Fuglers, forgot that the money should have gone directly to PCFC as Falcondrone only owned 90% of that asset. He realised the exposed position of Portpin in January and tried to fiddle the charge - too late, WUP in place. The only way Chanrai would stump cash to PCFC now would be if he had a deal in place to swipe the sky money (which would surely have to go to the Administrator to pay out). If, as expected, he's proven to be an unsecured creditor, I'd imagine he'd be going after Al Faraj and Jacob (if he can find either). That would finish his involvement with PCFC and leave them high and dry with regards funding. Ka-boom.
  3. Eh? Hadn't heard that.
  4. I'm rashly assuming he didn't have an 'm' key on his computer, and incredibly surprised that he worked out that 1000 x 1000 is £1m. Got to love the way he undervalues Belhadj and Boateng, yet believes that Brown, Mokeona, Smith and Webber are worth £2m each! Utaka at £3.5m and James and Rocha at £1m each (despite being out of contract) are also comedy gold. What a bell end
  5. Nice.....maybe HMRC will say 'let's do a deal on the player value tax now, just to make things easier for you...then you can keep the £38m when you get it'
  6. It's another case of Storrie trying to big up their worth. Even at £21m that's a stretch for the value of the squad. Players actually worth anything would be Belhadj (£5m), Boateng (£6m), Wilson (£2m)....erm, struggling now a bit. When you factor in the fire sale prices that clubs will pay due to the circumstances, and that there will be sell on clauses and contracts to pay up and you start to see that the true worth of transfers will be way below those quoted.
  7. Pretty much agrees with what I said in post 51 then....
  8. I think the difference is that we'll be asking for big bucks for them. The question is whether higher teams will have the money to take a chance on them. I'm sure all three could play in the CCC, but there's a reason why Rickie hasn't made it to the PL by the age of 28 - he's a very good player at this level, and probably at CCC level, but doubt he has the pace at PL level - bit of a Lee Trundle IMHO. So, if the PL club won't want to gamble the amount of money on these 3 players, you're down to the CCC clubs. There's not that much money sloshing around in the CCC either and, where it is (parachute), they need to spend it wisely. Will they be prepared to gamble?
  9. OK...in your opinion he started off badly and it got worse. In my opinion I don't think there was a big problem at the start. Either way, it's semantics. The rest of my post still seems reasonable...IMHO, but that may differ to yours. Which is fine.
  10. I guess it just goes to show that everyone reads things in a different way. To me hi seemed to start the interview ok, and then got peed off with the interviewers thinly veiled attempts to find a story. NCs comment a couple of weeks ago probably did wind him up, and he's probably fed up with every interviewer trying to get an angle on those comments. Having been at Wycombe on Tuesday, I'd imagine NC did have a word as WW are a bottom 4 side and we never really looked like getting a grip on the game. Pitch was poor, but we've got to learn how to dig in and win those games.
  11. Yep....and they were all there last season, with other better players than they have now, and got relegated. We also had 'quality' players and still got relegated, so maybe they're not as good as people think. There's a massive difference between being good in the CCC (their fans will tell you they're not actually that good) and being mid table mediocrity in the PL.
  12. I'd go for that. The interviewer was prodding him looking for a story away from the football. Some of the questions were just plain amateurish. TBH, I heard Strachan get far more arsey with journalists who he thought were planks. Bit of a non story I feel.
  13. They will be if they don't spend a truck load of cash in the summer. I can't imagine a strike force of Carroll and Best will be exactly up to standard in the PL
  14. I may be wrong, but I don't think the economy would go pop if Mr brown let Pompey go pop...
  15. Chanrai is attempting a stitch up and is trying to walk with pretty much all his money. Meanwhile HMRC are wise to it, and put the brakes on....Pompey die Monday.
  16. Hmmm, new front wall and gates as part of the build. Well, that might just come in useful. I wonder if he's submitted an amendment to make the wall 20ft high...
  17. He leant the cash for the wages as at the end of December. They were desperate and he took charges at that point so it would seem
  18. OK, I'm as qualified as you...so here goes......the biggie for me is that it's going to cost £20m to get the current playing staff through to June. A few will be out of contract then, but the rest (including Utaka, I suspect) will still require paying through the close season with no income, other than Sky money. The Sky money will be £5m for finishing bottom, plus £33m spread over 2 years in 4 instalments as parachute. So, the income at the end of the season, will be £5m and I think the first parachute is August, so £13m in total. In my mind this means that they will be £7m short, and that's based on outgoings until the end of June. They then need to run the club until January for the 2nd payment. Put simply, the tv money will not cover the debts they will build up between now and the end of the season, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if HMRC push for liquidation. When you throw in the attempts to hive off monies, as GM has mentioned, it makes a much stronger case for liquidation.
  19. Sorry Ho, are you saying you're going to sign Riquelme, and Mancini is going to be your next manager?
  20. When I said I don't think it matters, I was referring to the FA rule book. I remember WHU getting into trouble in one of the Cups a few years ago for fielding an ineligible player - he came on with a couple of minutes to go. I'm pretty certain they wouldn't have been in trouble had he not come on.
  21. He didn't play though, so I don't think it matters.
  22. Yep, they'll find a bent billionaire....and he'll fail the FAPPT, newly improved following the raging of the Pompey fans...arf, arf
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