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Chin Strain

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Everything posted by Chin Strain

  1. Bit of an unknown. I reckon he may have first call on tv money.....and AA did say in the fans meeting on 6th that he didn't know if anyone had security over that money - slightly concerning!
  2. I reckon there's money for Wilson (though nowhere near the £3.5m quoted), Belhadj and Boateng. However, buy the time you factor in firesale, paying up contracts and agents, that will erode a large amount - £10m absolute max IMO. Utaka and the other high earners are net losses.
  3. In order to get their 'Golden Share' they have to clear the footballing debts (£10.5m + Sols £1.7m). Unless HMRC get 100% of their debt (currently around £18m) they'll vote against the CVA. My understanding is that if they get their £18m, evertone else by default must be paid in full due to creditors being treated equally, so that's not going to happen. As long as HMRC have over 25% of the debt, that's a points deduction for next season (15 I think) The supposed £20m tv money advance, and any players sold and leased back, will go straight into the administrators pocket to cover wages and creditors. So, if they make it to next season they'll only have one parachute payment to come (£16m), all players will have been sold, and a points deduction will be in place. They'll probably still have several players on large contracts that they can't shift. As far as I see it, and as you've mentioned, the worst possible thing for the football club is for the PL to forward TV income and allow them to sell players, as those are pretty much the only reason anyone would try and make a deal. Of course, that's best for the creditors as the administrator gets that income, rather than the new owner. The only thing I'm unsure about is whether any new buyer is actually entitled to the remaining parachute money, or will the PL retaiin it? Even if the new buyer (if there is one) gets it, that'll be gobbled up in running costs if they still have big earners. Somebody may find a way of making it work if they can pick the club up for next to nothing, run it on a shoestring for a year, pick up the £16m and walk away with the club on the way to L2. Pretty big 'if' though. Edit: forgot to mention....they're toast.
  4. I thought that was one of us as it was too much common sense for one of them.
  5. Lol, absolutely. Still, the 'PL are bracing themselves for an Avram rant'. Like feck they are. So, they advance £20m and £7m of that will be used to get them to the end of the season. It'll be interesting to see how the remaining £13m is used - outstanding football debts? HMRC? Chanrai? Gaydamak? I suspect Chanrai. Still leaves them in a very sticky mess for next season with no parachute money to help them rebuild, the outstanding football debts and HMRC with a larger than 25% share of the unsecured debt. All of the above is still assuming someone will actually want to throw away money by buying the club.
  6. I actually think a couple of them believe I'm a mysterious bidder. I haven't been a WUM...yet....and everything I've said is just regurgitating what has been reported elsewhere, adding a few lines to join the dots for the simpletons. The trouble is, most of the posters on there are just too thick to work it out for themselves. I'm tempted to join the fun with the idiots posting on this story (post 3 - hilarious), but it would be very hard not to be brutal....I don't think I'll be able to resist for long... http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/Premier-League-braced-for-Grant.6161036.jp
  7. Lol...I know, I know, I protest too much....
  8. Double Chin....I like that. I haven't even been rumbled as a Saints fan yet. If someone asks me, I'll tell them....but nobody has had the brains to ask the obvious question. I suspect I may be outed by someone now though
  9. Added as requested!
  10. I can only speak personally, but I have an issue with them because: the way they have cheated their way through this season, employing players they can't afford, not caring that their owner was a gun runner as long as he funded the club (oh, he didn't really, did he.) only having a problem with the gun runner because he didn't fund the club, not because he was a gun runner refusal to pay taxes, going through a transfer window and not selling players they could have done, beating us with players that they couldn't afford and shouldn't have been able to sign, bleating to the PL 3 weeks after the window closed asking them to allow tv money to be paid up front, bleating to the the PL asking to be allowed to sell players outside the window, blaming everyone but themselves, trying to blackmail the PL by stating that the integrity of the PL would be compromised if they had to get rid of players (sale and loan back please)....whilst not realising that they had irrerairably damaged the PL by not playing within their means all season when they were trading insolvent, ripping off the UK taxpayer and expecting everyone to back them, not asking pertinent questions 2 years ago when they were buying players they obviously coouldn't afford thick fans still not understanding the seriousness of their situation FAPPT - ballsh i t....loaded doesn't equal FAPP you idiots not following our line and trying everything we could to avoid administration Not paying their taxes (have I mentioned that before?) the nauseous media outpourings of the erstwhile Storrie-Teller - "not me guv - I'm only an 'umble employee and not paid anywhere near £1.2 million a year" :vom: How's that for starters? If they had seriously tried all season to live within their means I would have had some sympathy, but they haven't. Instead they've cheated their way to a cup semi final at Wembley, and the fans still think they've played it by the book and can't see why everyone else would view it as cheating. P.S. and, how could I forget....the 'best fans in the world'. B o l l o c k s
  11. So I'm guessing you're talking about everything related to Pompey then?
  12. I didn't know Oriana had now been scrapped. It was on the Huangpu River in Shanghai when I was there in 2001 - I think it was a floating hotel
  13. I'd agree with that. Maybe the best is yet to come though.....
  14. My mum and dad met whilst working on Canberra (mum was a telephonist and dad was an assistant purser)....45th wedding anniversary coming up next month.
  15. It doesn't matter. They're stuffed anyway as they're 8 points adrift. I'm gutted the -9 won't make any difference, but him being out should be beneficial for Fulham or Spuds
  16. So, at 4 nil down, it appears that you are considerably shi tt er than them.
  17. Not quite as 'weakened' as it should have been though. Imagine if you'd actually tried to avoid administration by 'gasp' selling players, rather than signing players.
  18. Apparently he couldn't collect the aware for himself. He was still in Fonte's pocket.
  19. Lambert was great business, but for me the best signing so far by Pards is Puncheon. He looks like the real deal and, from a team perspective, he gives us so much. Is it any surprise that we've started ripping teams apart since he arrived? Bear in mind he was around £200k.
  20. Which we would. IIRC we sold out every home game in the PL.
  21. TBF we'd need more than 12k seats.
  22. Oh right...very self congratulatory. Have I missed something? Has anyone come in and paid £30m for them yet? Has this buyer pledged to spunk loads of money on new players? Are they out of administration with an approved CVA and starting next season on zero? No, thought not. The minority aren't even close to being proved right. Plenty of gas left in this particular tank. Remember, we had assets and found one buyer. We were lucky.
  23. It's security against future income. The parachute payments are the minimum that a PL club would receive, as staying up is worth more. I don't see it as any different to a mortgage lender lending you money based on your future income.
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