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Chin Strain

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Everything posted by Chin Strain

  1. I do that on the way to work.....
  2. Ha ha ha ha.....it is. HTH
  3. If Pahars had had Michael Svensson's determination he would have played 3 times the number of games. Michael Svensson for me
  4. Yep, I can confirm that's definitely him too
  5. This. Scenario 14 Feb 1994, a week before my then girlfriend went to Australia for 2 years. Been with her for 6 months so first Valentines night. Liverpool at home. Outcome Went to the game, Matty scored a hatrick, won 4-2...in the snow. Great game. Battled my way down to Poole in the snow after the game before going back to her parents the next day in Wales for a few days before she flew out. 15 years married this year. I'm sure it was because she realised the commercialism of the day, and appreciated my efforts before and after.
  6. Nope....if I was going to have a free lifestyle it wouldn't involve sh1tt1ing in a car park.
  7. They sure are - in the old Abbey building car park apparently
  8. Kai Tak, the previous Hong Kong airport, was my first destination....I assumed that kind of landing was normal, but everyone else looked sh1t scared
  9. thirded. It's muck.
  10. Bloody hell....at that price? Why didn't you just throw a gold ingot at them?
  11. Feck me, and they say footballers are thick. No sh1t sherlock.
  12. Blimey...18's on us to win with Paddy Power.....
  13. Chin Strain


    I quite liked Cidre - not as good as Savannah Dry, but good.
  14. why have some of the Bompey players got the JD on the backs of their shirt in white on black circle and some black on white circle?
  15. He's done ok in general, but Naysmith and Kilbane should have walked. That's 2 massive decisions wrong that mean he's had a bad game overall.
  16. 2 feet off the ground and through the player. Def red card, but Naysmith did worse and stayed on in 1st half. How Kilbane can push the ref and get yellow I have no idea. Di Canio got a massive ban for that
  17. A red card yes. Consistent? Nope.
  18. This. It's a bit like Mawhinney's stupid proposal to have a salary cap = how the feck does that work if it doesn't apply to the top division? Same with this from what I can see - you'd have all kinds of ridiculous scenarios affecting promoted and relegated teams
  19. I love Leon's 'I turned over £1m from nothing'....ok, and the profit was....????? That's the bit they never say until someone gets outed at the interview stage in the penultimate task
  20. 'Kin 'Ell...are they gonna have anyone left?
  21. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell wouldn't give up if it was me. They'd have to produce a body for me to stop searching. I think that would be what every parent would do
  22. Out of interest, how do you know he's too expensive?
  23. I pretty much agree with most of that. However, if I had been similarly stupid, I would also be trying to keep my missing daughter in the public eye. If it meant I had to write a book to get more funds for a search*, then I'd do it. Ultimately, if you're a parent, you'd do anything to find a missing child (although I agree that if you're a decent parent, you don't leave your kids alone whilst you go out for a meal). *I'm assuming, by the way, that the cash is for the search.
  24. No PL clubs in there yet (obviously!)
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