1,379 -
Everything posted by Chin Strain
And it was all going so well. He's not even a bad player, let alone the worst ever to wear a Saints shirt. He's probably not in the worst 25 Saints left backs - do you remember Lee Todd?
Yep, absolutely. Until the authorities stamp out cheating it will always blight the game, as the players and managers won't take it into their own hands to sort it out. A few lengthy bans will make players think twice, and force the managers to stamp it out.
This is a good point. They clearly need to try and offload anyone with any value, but how many of those have they got? The only ones they will get anything for are the youngsters who are on small wages. Somebody desperate (like Forest maybe) may have a punt at LL or DK, but if they paid them the wages that they're on at Pompey, there would be little or no transfer fee. On the flip side, if they don't raise funds, they won't be able to pay January wages and will go into admin with the points deduction. Maybe it's a case of their only hope of finding a buyer is to stay in the NPC at any cost, so keep the players, take the points hit and hope for a buyer and retention of NPC status.
You are joking, right?
HMRC will only get involved if either Pompey are behind again with their Tax or VAT, or if they don't get the first instalment of the CVA.
Which creates more issues with cash flow. It's self perpetuating.
Not according to the calculator on the post 9
True! Don't think Bridgey's going to be getting a deal like that though!
I don't understand the logic with this. At the end of January he'll be worth nothing (assuming he doesn't sign a contract before the end of June). IMHO the bidding will be around the £2m - £3m region, depending on how many clubs are interested. Moreover, it is probably not going to be the highest bidder that he goes to. Player power (agent power) will dictate where he goes. If he wants to pay for one particular club, and that club knows he wants to play for just them, they only have to bid the bare minimum. £6m would be madness for a player effectively 1 month from the end of his contract.
Whoosh. Wayne Bridge will be paid by Manchester City irrespective of who he is playing for - it's called a contract. The club loaning him will make a contribution towards his wages - whatever they agree with City. That might be £10k a week, it might be £90k a week (unlikely). So, put simply, there is no impact on his weekly money. It's a straight choice....does he want to sit on his backside picking up his £90k a week, or does he want to go and play football and pick up his £90k a week?
That's a shocker. I don't get him at all. I can understand him not getting in the squad, but what I don't understand is why he wouldn't go on loan in August. There's no impact on his salary, he just gets to put himself in the shop window. Sure, Scottish football isn't great, but he had the chance to play for Celtic for a few months. Surely that's better than not playing. I think him signing a new contract at Chelsea when Cashley was always going to be first choice, tells you a lot about his priorities.
Niemi didn't bottle it. Claus and Jakobbsen did and Niemi lost all confidence in them which made him do things he wouldn't normally do.
Cav....by a country mile should win..... .....but it won't, it will be Cook or Strauss who actually win.
A voice of reason. I actually thought we played ok yesterday, and carved out a heap of great chances.
I'll answer for him. Yes. It's difficult for him to be objective though when his only exposure to a live football game is a football forum and the radio.
At 2-1 own in the 93rd minute I'm also happy with a point....even though is SDR had picked the pass after that we'd have won. The season is about 46 games, not 1 (or even 4). We're simply not going to win every single game we play, whether you like it or not. We've had a 4 game 'blip'(?) where we've taken 4 points out of 12, and we're 3 points clear of 2nd and 5 from 3rd (plus GD). Yesterday we drew because we only converted 2 of our 20 efforts on goal, Bart threw one in, and the ref failed to see a blatant penalty (I also thought their first goal was offside but would need to see it again). Don't get too excited by the great results, and don't get too depressed about the poor results. Maybe you need to get a little bit of perspective on how far we've come in 12 months. It's hardly the end of the world.....
No, David James http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8612358.stm
Maybe there was a crash in the landmine industry too.
Mate, who do you think you are? Pompey aren't Liverpool you know. As far as 'history' goes you've had a League Championship 70 years ago, and a CCC in 2003 (we don't count the FA Cup as you won that dishonestly.....yes, you cheated....when do you think the tax bill was last paid?). In between you've spent 90% of your time slumming it in the lowest 2 divisions. Your crowds are sh it, yet you claim to be 'the best fans' because you all cheered Henry as you were getting spanked at home. How the feck does that give you the right to claim that you're a great club with bags of history? FFS, you lot really do believe your own press, don't you. I think a potential owner would be better off buying Preston.....now they really do have a history.
You really are a bell end aren't you. Nobody has respect for you. The SISU comment above...seriously? Seriously? Yeah, and if you hadn't been bought by a succession of dodgy owners you wouldn't have got into this mess in the first place, you wouldn't have been known as The Cheats, you wouldn't have had 2 FA Cup wins, you wouldn't have had a European adventure, you wouldn't have spent all the tax payers money to achieve that....... What counts is SISU didn't buy us because our board of directors, for all their faults, could see that it was a horrendous deal for the club. Your directors? What did they do? Yes, they sold to people who don't give a toss about the club, and they didn't care if or how they were looking to fund. And guess what, the majority of you embraced it, loved the fact that you were billy big time for once. Revelled in the fact that you were buying players and paying them £100k a week whilst investing jack s hit in the infrastructure, lapped up the bidet on the waterfront at x hundred million pounds. In the meantime, you've come on here, a rival clubs fansite, and produced laughable claim after laughable claim about Maradona, Riquelme, Saviola, Walt Disney, German trillionaires, South African money men, Libyan dictators etc etc etc all investing in, or coming to play for, your grubby little cesspit of a football club. Not once did you think to ask why they would be interested in Pompey.....not once. Your embarrassing, cringeworthy comments (highlighted on the previous page again for all to see) showed that you didn't give a toss how you were funded. For every decent Pompey fan there are 10 people like you who just can't give it a rest. All we hear being trotted out all the time by you is 'why would they want to launder money through Pompey as we're so closely monitored by every footballing authority'. You never actually answered the question 'so what possible reason could they have to want to buy a club with no infrastructure, sh it support, no academy, a CVA hanging over them?'. If you had the decency to come on here an fess up to behaving like some kind of loon over the last 2 and a half years, admit that you were wrong, and didn't try and defend all the different crackpot owners you've had, you may have had some respect. Instead, you blindly go stumbling on trying to draw parallels with what might have happened if we had been taken over by a bunch of numpties 6 years ago, and what might happen in the future to us, without drawing a conclusion that we might actually have something that someone will want to buy (infrastructure). Whereas there is no reason why anyone unless they're a billionaire lifelong Pompey fan with money to burn, would look twice at Pompey. Your pathetic defence of the owners past and present is a joke and an embarrassment to decent, honourable people. It's not about tribal loyalties to your club, it's about knowing right from wrong. Didn't your parents teach you anything? FFS....
Is everything really so black and white in your world? Sometimes there are shades of grey too you know.
If you hear the interview, you'd have to be thick to jump on the Clarkson Bashing Bandwagon. What's the betting that 99% of the 25000 complaints actually heard what was said in full.
If Clarkson had said on Top Gear to a guest what Terry allegedly said at QPR to Ferdinand, you're seriously, seriously suggesting that it would have been laughed off?
What I reckon too (see my posts above)