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About Noodles34

  • Birthday 20/12/1968

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  1. The worse thing about next years derbies? The way we are presently, we haven’t got a chance.
  2. Definitely no 'wish you were here' messages coming from SMS
  3. Don’t be ridiculous
  4. shit, missed that gig, as we went to The Chemical Bros at The Brixton Academy that night. But at least managed to see The Stone Roses at the Joiners the following week.
  5. You’re a real tool Matt, fucking clueless but hey, carry on blaming the fans, because without that agenda, you’re nothing on here.
  6. As it says on the tin, £31.50, Lower level. Ticket in hand, happy to drop personally if you're local. Cannot meet at Chelsea game as not going myself.
  7. As it says on the tin, £31.50, Lower level. Ticket in hand, happy to drop personally if you're local. Cannot meet at Chelsea game as not going myself.
  8. Andy Richie.
  9. I got one but not going so I could put it in post tomorrow ?
  10. Jeez, some of the fan base slamming the signing of Ramsdale now. He’s not the be all and end all of keepers but fuck me, he’s so much better than what we have.
  11. Wish palace would score so I could get on with stuff.
  12. Forest are second as it stands. Nuno was available when Ralph went I think. Or maybe in Saudi? Said it at the time, he was a big option but we went for Nathan jones.
  13. Lallana wearing gloves. Jesus.
  14. Not sure there is any hope as this team is nowhere good enough.
  15. Got to say that Ramsdale should have claimed the ball that HTB headed away. Could have come for the second ball in too.
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