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  1. mesaint


    Burnley forward and Saints fan scores for burnley against Saints, then, Saints forward and burnley fan scores for Saints against burnley.
  2. My Sister & Brother in law used to be best friends with Dave Peach & his wife although they didn't actually live that near each other. (about 5 miles). ;-)
  3. Charlie George used to own my local The Ashley Hotel. He was a miserable fecker. He moved back to London but his wife still lives locally.
  4. Probably about 15 or 20 over the 45 years or so that I've supported Saints. Used to go in the late 60's early 70's with one tied to each hip, one tied to each wrist & one round the neck. Lost a few to away fans, gave a few away to Saints fans & have a few in the loft still. Also have the first Saints shirt I was ever bought as part of a kit when I was 11 or 12. Ah, those were the days.
  5. OMG, My Hero had passed. There have been some lovely words written on here about Ron and he deserves every accolade. He was IMHO quite simply the best player to pull on a Saints shirt EVER!. The word "Legend" seems to be given to every new kid on the block nowadays, many times inappropriately imho but Ron is often described as a "LEGEND" & rightly so. As a kid i was fortunate enough to see him play for Saints many times & if he was playing, as a fan you always knew Saints had a chance of winning. As a nipper i would playing football with a tennis ball, honing my skills so that one day i could be Ron Davies. It always went something like this Davies to Channon, Channon to Paine, Paine to Davies, GOOOOOOOOaaaaaaallllllllllll. My thoughts go out to his family. There are many Story's i'd like to share, things i remember about Big Ron as a kid but i can't put them into words right now. I'm totally gutted, my HERO has passed. R.I.P. Ron. Gone but never forgotten!
  6. MP: No Jos, not even a BJ will get you a promise of a first team start.
  7. Good Luck Nigel, where ever you move on to, some club will get not just a bloody good manager but a top bloke. One of the few honest people in football management today. IMHO.
  8. Now lets see, who else has played for Saints, an international star who won a world cup medal & was 5' 5". Oh yes, Alan Ball, he was pretty good for a little-un.
  9. http://www.bridgingandcommercialdistributor.co.uk/newsstory?id=326&type=newsfeature&title=ex-premier_league_chief_faces_extradition_over_400m_bank_fraud
  10. R.I.P. John.
  11. Not one mention for Claus yet? I'd play Claus along side Jos. He read the game well & always covered others mistakes. Jos is happy to attack the ball in the air leaving Claus to cover.
  12. Forth: Don't take this personally but you can stuff joey barton up your A"£e
  13. A very Happy Birthday for friday to my Hero as a nipper. Big Ron was simply the icon of his era for all Saints fans. When i played in a kick about i was always him when i scored & another player when i missed. God bless you Ron, A real Saints legend!
  14. Saw a he/she at the station about 9.00pm with a friend, early 20's, very short dress but looked like it had forgotten to shave, he/she said hi as i walked pass so i replied with hi fella, it's mate then challenged me, why did you call her a bloke? I replied with, cos either he forgot to shave or i need new glasses. I was so ****ed it may have been my glasses mind. lol
  15. There's a small group of us that sing this at almost every home game. Knee's up mother brown is another that gets an airing too.
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