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Everything posted by 1965onwards

  1. An important point about Pearson DP is that the fans were solidly behind him,and never last season attributed the last day scenario to him in any measure .When considering the feelings of a lot of fans towards Burley,this was a major reason why he should have been kept on,despite everything else. He has a very impressive persona for a football manager,and i am not easily impressed. I am an excellent reader of people.That is how i knew Burley was a jackass so early on. That is also how i know that Pearson has the kind of character that players respond to. The only reason Pearson may fail as a manager is if he suffers the kind of stupidity that Lowe is inflicting on us,or that his tactical nous is deficient.
  2. You are pathetic DP. Pearson was caretaker in charge for at least 3 games at Newcastle wasn't he?
  3. DP,until given the time or position to demonstrate how good he is,any assessment of Pearson is premature. At the moment he is just promising,and should be here. Which brings me to an important point,namely that Lowe is such a vengeful and egotistical **** that he is prepared to risk the survival of this club to carry out his vengeful egotistical deeds.
  4. I like the stupidity of your selecting a piece of my OP,OB. To say that Burleys perfromance was better than a manager who took over a group of players,the overwhelming number of whom he would have known nothing about,and that manager only gets 0.13 points per game less,is as about as stupid as it can get.Also when taking on board that Pearson managed to identify in a few weeks and solve our need for decent CBs,something Burley failed to do in over 2 years. I am not saying that Pearson is a great manager,or that he will become one.He did a good job for us in the circumstances,and is doing so at Leicester in advantageous circumstances.Yes he has money at Leicester that other L1 clubs can only dream of,but many managers have failed to take advantage in such circumstances Benitez has failed when considering the money he has spent. Scolari has failed when considering the money that has been spent to give him the players at his disposal. Many managers have failed at Spurs and Newcastle considering the money they have spent. Spending money does not guarantee success.Pearson is doing it successfully at the moment at a low level,nobody knows where it will go from here. The main point of my OP was to demonstrate how some on here like to lie or mis-represent in order to try to back-up their support of the Lord God Lowe.Amen.
  5. Funny that people find it good enough to assess a manager after only 5 games when it suits them,but not at other times.
  6. How could Pearson have underperformed Burley Nickg. Only three of the squad were Pearsons,and when he had them in place he achieved a higher points per game ratio than Burley.
  7. Which demonstrates Stanley that the welfare of this club is not ****-LOWES priority.
  8. Agree Greenidge,and apart from Wottes silly remarks about fans,i get the impression that he has a no-nonsense approach which might just be what our players need.
  9. Typical of this forum,decrying a manager for not reaching the heights he has never been in a position to attain as a manager. You will be looking foolish next season. And before you say it,money has nothing to do with it. Look at Scolari,Benitez,assorted Spurs managers.
  10. Doesn't suit your Lowe Luvvie agenda does it TDD ?
  11. This is a rebuttal to the moronic Lowe Luvvies who have decried Pearsons' performance at the end of last season,and would like to suggest that he was responsible for nearly taking us down rather than saving our necks. BURLEY--------- 38 pts from 28 games ( 1.36 points per game ) ,his team,his squad,his players on ridiculous wages that has taken us to the point of administration. DODD & GORMAN-------- 1 pt from 5 games,nuff said. PEARSON------- 16 pts from 13 games ( 1.23 points per game ) 4 draws and a win from first 5 games,that after taking over a de-motivated,demoralised team that had lost 5 of its last 6 games. Beaten by Hull and Cardiff,drew with Coventry,but no great surprise there. With all three of Wright,Pery and Lucketti in place for last 5 games we get another 8 points ( 1.60 points per game ) PLAY-OFF FORM !!!!!!!! So with a squad overwhelmingly not of his choosing he only slightly underperforms Burley. How do the LOWE/BURLEY LUVVIES explain that? After an initial appraisal of our playing strenghts Pearson brought in the defensive players we needed to take us to a level of performance that Burley couldn't. The most impressive thing about Pearson though is that he is everything that JP isn't. He is a class act who commands respect.He has the demeanor of a man who knows exactly what he wants and how he needs to go about achieving it.And he does not bull****. He is the type of manager that players want to play for,and the vast majority of Saints fans could see that from day one. So you moronic LOWE/BURLEY LUVVIES lets see you argue that getting rid of PEARSON was anything other than LOWE clearly demonstrating that he is more interested in revenge, and massaging his ego than the welfare of the club.
  12. ****s like LOWE and his luvvies on here will always seek scapegoats elsewhere.
  13. god,i finally agree with you SM
  14. If we win,we will not really know whether we have turned a corner or not or just took advantage of playing against 10 men. if we lose we will know we are ****e.
  15. if only spirit was all that was left of the devils spawn
  16. why do we need 3 men to look after 1 forward?
  17. Even if we stay up,with Lowe in charge this is as good as it is going to get. He will run the club as cheaply as he can so that he can pay himself as much as he can in salary,benefits and dividends. This will overide any desire for success for the team.It will suit him down to the ground. Eventually he will have paid himself much more than the value of his shares. That has been his game from day one of his return. He knows no-one will pay him what he wants for his shares. This club will be run like a League 2 outfit to line Lowes pockets. If anyone wants that i feel sorry for you.
  18. I for one want administration because i believe that is the only way Lowe will be gone (99% sure). Without Lowe gone this club will never recover to anywhere near where it can be. I am happy to see short-term pain for long-term gain. That makes me rabid anti-lowe.
  19. Lowe luvvies plants don't like logic.
  20. David of Sweden. Not suggesting we have any geniuses,but picking a team on training performance is just plain dumb. And everything that has happened this season suggests that that is how the team is picked. Training is all about the physical with no pressure. Games are all 90% mentality.
  21. Sagas problem last season was Burleys moronic mis-man-management,like that with Raziak and Skacel the season before,as Alpine points out.
  22. ...JP and Wotte pick their team on the basis of performance in training,nothing else can explain the team selections,with the constant changes. This is typical of weak,clueless managers with no man-management skills,and lack of understanding of what makes a player better than others. Most of the greatest players that have ever played the game were poor trainers. They saved their best for matchdays,where they used their most important asset,their brains. Forget tonights second half,you will see far more of the first half from Wotte than the second half.He will be no diffferent than JP.
  23. Lowes PR plants alert. Going into overdrive.
  24. Vince is intelligent by comparison.
  25. Maybe those who have invested in Hoddles scheme think that it might be a good idea to have a club to place their players in,even if just to put them in the shop window.
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