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  1. Funny how it is always those who support Lowe ( if seemingly only tacitly ) who tell others to be quiet or find another forum etc etc etc. I give you Nickh------------The democratic voice of reason.
  2. Thnanks for compliment R & D. When did Rupert ask you to be a Saints fan?
  3. "Nonsense" management. Who could you be refering to?
  4. Also just your opinion Saintjay. Sorry,i forgot,your opinion is fact.
  5. Perhaps Nineteen you could copy/paste the replies on my original thread that were questioning my thinking. All the mods could see were nonsense/abuse which carried over to other threads i started to point out the poor decision by the mods. As usual you just post sanctimonious claptrap.
  6. Quite right Trousers. The catalyst for our present form was the spontanious protests at the Doncaster game,which led to us dumping JP. Everything has flowed from that. Lowe deserves no credit for appointing Wotte,he couldn't do much else,he has just got lucky.
  7. Burley is/was a clapped out idiot who ****ed up. In the mould of Wenger who thinks you don't need a defense.
  8. Did you take a poll Bungle ?
  9. With a little humility and understanding he could become a leg-end.
  10. Well done again Ginge. You have shot down in flames someone who likes to protray himself as the self-appointed voice of reason on this site. I like the cut of your jib.
  11. Good point WC How anyone could interview Burley and not see what he was is beyond me. Goes to show that Football chairmen and boards are the last people who should be allowed to make a football appointment.
  12. Bean counters are 2 a penny Le Goddard. Bean counters who are prepared to destroy a business on the altar of their ego are a luxury no football club can afford. Football finances are stupid enough as it is.
  13. You and your like claim to manage that all the time Scud.
  14. You have highlighed Nickh a major reason why we need to get rid of Lowe. While Crouch wanted someone other than Wotte,that was because he had no idea what Wotte was like. If Wotte keeps us up and Crouch starts next season in charge,there is no way that he would not want Wotte in charge (and i do not think any sane person would argue otherwise). Contrast that with Lowes petulant dismissal of NP. Anyone who wants someone in charge who is prepared to place his ego above the good of the club needs his head examining.
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