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Everything posted by stanthemanfairoak

  1. its about the only thing i can have a laugh about in the pub as the landlord is a pompey season ticket holder,[says no more after this season].givin up his ticket.
  2. come on you boro
  3. young men 20 odd years of age can`t play 2 games of football in one week ,whats is this world comin to ,good job theirs not a world war to fight.
  4. where has this fella bin all season [not a set back?] HUG!
  5. well tryed kenny boy.
  6. if this really did happen now come theirs no cctv coverage ?
  7. done a great job tim me boy keepin us all up to date.
  8. i think we are all ready up it.:smt022
  9. put the pipe away now theres a good boy.
  10. bloody good question:confused:
  11. thats what you get from bein rupes blue eyed boy ,next one could be 19 ranteen.
  12. not ever with ITV.:confused:
  13. real good 5 mins on todays championship
  14. time to go to the pub and forget about this.
  15. why?
  16. we can only dream !
  17. :confused: now theirs a strange cookie[what box did you get out of?]
  18. EXCITINGmore like frightening.
  19. THAT AN`T HER YOU NUTTER!:confused:
  20. she always looks like a she to me:smt005
  21. shes over in goa for a months holiday to get away from it all.
  22. well done tim me boy ,now hopefuly by the time ron comes over we would have got shot of lowe &co.
  23. tories and masons of which lowe is both
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