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Everything posted by saintray

  1. saintray


    No sweat, pick them up from the collection point. I'll let you know whether to use your own name or not. How are we going to sort out the payment? email me on sugar_141@hotmail.com if you prefer? Ray
  2. saintray


    Ill take £20 for one definately, how about £30 for the both, all you need to do is give me your name and ill make the call. you may have to say under my name. but the woman says its no problem at all! Ray
  3. saintray


    Still have these two tickets going spare, willing to take any offers, only need to be collected from the collection point at birmingham. Get back asap it would be a waste not to Ray
  4. saintray


    I have two tickets, that i won via texaco fantasy football. I am attending a wedding and am looking to sell these two off, all i need is your name and you can pick them up via the birmingham collection point on saturday. if anyone is interested in buying them just pm me or message back. i need to find buyers by the end of the day. Ray
  5. I Can't Handle this!! You Grey's!!
  6. **** the 4,3,2,1 lets just have a disco!!
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