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Everything posted by bender

  1. I'm confused. So if Villa lose in the Final to Arsenal, they dont get the Wafer cup place and 7th place does? I thought it needed to be a Arsenal Liverpool final, otherwise the runner up of the cup gets the place.
  2. I know but to snap someones hand off. Seems a bit extreme.
  3. Why on earth would you do that?
  4. I've been using Xbmc on my Andriod phone, Windows laptop and Raspberry Pi for a while and there have been some pretty good add-ins, namely Mashup and NaviX. They work for a while and in the end they're just unreliable. I tend to go back to http://www.eplsite.com for my Prem action. I tried adding this add-in as per post 1 above and again it seemed to work for the Saints game yesterday but was so unreliable for the Man Utd game. But I've added these streams from post 20 above into my VLC player and they seem promising. Looking forward to trying those link when a game is on. I just opened up VLC player, chose View - playlist - Media Library - Advanced Open - Network - Enter URL and Enqueue .
  5. I reckon youll be able to get a ticket on general sale if you get them reasonably quickly. WBA tickets sold out but not before they were on general for a few days. Got tickets for Stoke pretty easily last season.
  6. We win the prize for the best song last year after Everton scored 2 own goals for us. "who needs Rodriquez, we've got your back four"
  7. I shouldnt think he'll be off in the summer. Any bigger team would want to see him in action after well over a year out. I should imagine he would want to show us a bit of loyalty too after being paid for a year to watch Jeremy Kyle and Loose Women.
  8. How the f can that not be a red card!!! Went in for a challenge he had no chance of winning and kicked him in the face causing bleeding.
  9. Got my tickets for the game just now. My mate has a disabled rail card and we're going via Crawley but still cant believe I only paid £37 in total for 2 return tickets to The Hawthorns including tube ticket and everything.
  10. Here is another stream about it. It would appear it doesnt show Saints games ?? http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?52268-Streaming-SportsNationHD-on-LG-Smart-TV#.VNITtJ2sWCk
  11. Will it work on my iPad. iPad doesnt have flash does it??
  12. Surely QPR will take him.
  13. I may for once get a programme if you get a replica of that 76 programme
  14. Just phoned up the ticket office. This has been available since the Man U home game. It just defaults to post to your usual method of collection and it's difficult to notice it's available.
  15. Does anyone know how many tickets Palace got and obviously sold out?
  16. When I bought my ticket I had the option to print at home. Then I got an email with a PDF attached which contained my tickets.
  17. Got my ticket. This print at home business is marvelous, and no £1 per ticket booking charge.
  18. £12 a ticket, two in form Premier teams. Defo a sellout for me. I'm queuing online. Hope I get a ticket.
  19. I stopped watching it when Willie Carson stopped being a captain.
  20. David Semen surely. In fact I remember us getting round the back to penetrate the box only for semen to come out.
  21. Good news for us on just terrestrial
  22. This reminds me of 2002/2003 where we scraped a 1-1 at home to Millwall. Then the 4th round draw was made and a passage through to round 5 seemed do-able making the 3rd round replay all the more interesting.
  23. I have soul. Does that count?
  24. Only turned on motd at 10.45 last night. Also didn't realise motd started so early this morning. Can I get motd on iplayer or something. Or did anyone record it and can upload to youtube for me
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