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Everything posted by yamms_schmitz

  1. Kelvin made some world class saves. Guly was awful.
  2. I love reading threads on the stadium food and drink. Always a good laugh. It is, and always has been so poor it is funny. I remember Rupert Lowe once claiming that dispite poor performances we were ok because we still have the best football catering in the country. Obviously he was only able to comment on the posh nosh upstairs.
  3. Re-name Itchen.
  4. Re-name the Itchen stand. It was after all where he sat when he came to see his team play.
  5. Part-time supporters in a full time league.
  6. You can only get tickets through Brighton if you have previously bought tickets with them. So chances are slim.
  7. Having a beer on wembley way and hearing someone shouting "you skate bastard". Turning around to see it was coming from a boy in a wheelchair being pushed by his dad.
  8. - The tweenies remix of oh when the saints.
  9. Best entertainment i have seen was at Brentford for the Cup game a few years back. Two spandex wrestlers. I was laughing all the way home.
  10. The Brum will get a by to the next round. They would not put Southampton back in. Keep dreaming.
  11. In the previous derby games at saint marys the demand has been high, but generally anyone who wanted a ticket was able to get one. We often forget that our ground has over 10,000 empty seats every week. It will sell out, but after having gone on restricted general sale to those on the system. Don't worry. That is unless they introduce a stupid season ticket holders get two tickets system. Some would just buy spares for the sake of it. Pointless.
  12. Pub of choice is a wetherspoons in town called the groves company Inn. It is more or less on the way from the train station to the ground. From the pub just walk down Fleming way and 2 mins later you are at the ground. It is Steak night on Tuesday, so a few pints and a nice steak without breaking the bank. The Groves Company Inn 22–23 Fleet Street Swindon SN1 1RQ
  13. Good. I'm glad they chucked you out. I have been reporting smokers to the gestapo all season. I'm pleased that i haven't been wasting my time. Perhaps you will think differently next time you want a fag.
  14. If anyone is interested in 2 student tickets for the forest game in the kingsland stand. I will take a £5 for the pair. Can arrange to meet outside the ground before kickoff. I have had 2 friends cancel as they have to work. email me yamms_schmitz@hotmail.com if you are keen. Thanks, James
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