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thesaint sfc

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Everything posted by thesaint sfc

  1. Agreed. I'd give them both a bumming.
  2. I see where you're coming from.
  3. Weird that they've not got his name on the list with a little star saying *joining soon* like they do for pele
  4. I said 'Not exactly the inspiration and confirmation of our ambitions that I was hoping for.'
  5. I jumped straight to the last paragraph before reading from the start as I felt it was going to be the most important thing being said Not exactly the inspiration and confirmation of our ambitions that I was hoping for.
  6. Investment advice for high net worth expatriates so I don't think too many of you will need to be worried
  7. I'm looking for someone with some sales and cold calling experience for work in the finance sector.
  8. Hi Guys, I'm looking to recruit someone and wondered where people had the most success in finding jobs / posting jobs? I've had a look on Monster and whilst I'm happy to pay their fee if it secures me a good employee, I'm a bit shocked at how expensive they are considering I could have no success. Any ideas?
  9. Can we make this a sticky?
  10. http://www.easports.com/uk/fifa/news-updates-gameplay/article/fifa-15-e3-news-features-uk?utm_medium=email&utm_source=arm&utm_campaign=fifa14-email-GB-gem-arm-ww-fifa15-e3trailer&preorder-FIFA_PrefCentre&sourceid=worldcup14-email-GB-gem-arm-ww-fifa15-e3trailer&preorder-FIFA_PrefCentreL Let's hope its a darn sight better than Fifa 14 which I thought was terrible.
  11. Yeah it cost me £70 in the end to get repaired. A lot of worry about nothing!
  12. I agree with CB Fry. I think when you're a footballer and it's a career you feel differently about it than being a fan. Matt Le Tiss I suppose is the only example of someone I can think of who stuck around.
  13. Hi Evil Monkey
  14. Ah OK - well if it's the fan belt that brings a whole other mystery into the story!
  15. Hi Guys, I have a VW Golf GT 1.4 which has done just over 90k. It's an English car and I live in Switzerland so getting it serviced and checked is difficult at the best of times. Anyway, a couple of months ago the engine light came on, and not being very car savvy I assumed that it would probably need to cambelt changed. I phoned my local garage and they said that the car has a chain rather than a belt so it shouldn't need changing. They took a look at the car and advised me that the belt had actually stretched and a problem with this belt in this car at this mileage was quite common unfortunately. They charged me about £1,500 to get it fixed. I spoke with VW in the UK and they were about £200-300 cheaper but being in Switzerland you get used to paying inflated prices for less of a service. Once the job was done the car drove fine and I was pleased to get it back. A couple of weeks later a friend pointed out that I had a pretty bad oil leak. I took the car back to the garage and they apologised and admitted that the fault was theirs and they needed to replace something. They explained the whole engine had been pretty much taken out of the car so it was quite a big job. They fixed it and there was no charge for me. Anyway, we're about a month after this happened now and yesterday when I was driving along I suddenly heard a noise which I can only compare to having a flat tyre - it sounded like something was stuck in my tire and every time the wheel went round when it hit the road there was a bang. I got out of the car and there was no flat tyre but it was apparent that the noise was coming from the engine. I opened the engine and nearly got hit in the fact by a piece of string which was spinning around in the engine! I stopped the engine and could see that the belt which they had replaced had become unalligned and started to thread itself. The threaded part of the belt was what was spinning around. The belt was also starting to split and looked like it could soon snap. I abandoned the car and started my very long trek home. The garage has been shut since but opens tomorrow so I'll certainly be speaking with them! Just wondered if anyone could give me some input on here? Do you think there is something more fundamentally wrong with the car which has caused this or do you think it is an error in the way the belt/chain (doesn't look like a chain to me!) was fitted? Please see a picture attached. Any ideas at all would be appreciated! Is it time for me to sell the car or do you think if this job is done properly the car should see me through a few more years? Absolutely love driving it so would be sad to have to get rid.
  16. I don't really have a problem with MP going. The fact he paid his own 2M clause in his contract shows how determined he was to get out so whatever the board said I don't think they could have kept him. They have been f##king awful at releasing a statement to give confidence. I think we took for granted NC's transparency when he was here and now we seem to have taken a step backwards - but perhaps KL just does business differently?
  17. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/460406/best-xbox-360-games-20-microsoft-must-buys-released-now/ Reading through this list of great games makes it even more depressing. I think I might put my xbox one under my bed and get the xbox360 back out!
  18. So we're nearly half way through the year now. Have my opinions changed? Nope. Fifa is the worst Fifa I have ever played. I like to play in career mode and I swear its corrupt. If I'm winning all of a sudden my players seem to go into Matrix-slow-motion and the other team speeds up. When a striker attacks all my defenders run in the wrong direction as if they're mentally disabled. Assassins Creed is boring as hell. The last one on the Xbox was so much better. Call of Duty was good but saw no difference at all to playing it on my xbox360. How can Sony and Microsoft have released such crap? When I first got my Xbox360 I spent about 3 months in my bedroom playing the new Pro Evo, Crackdown and Gear of War. I doubt I've played on my xbox for more than a week since I bought it. Does anyone else share my complete shock at how disappointing they have been?
  19. Oh and you will get to use the same software as me which should make you feel special.
  20. Oh and with Express VPN its just a bit of software. You just install it and enter a key - much more straight forward imo.
  21. I use Express VPN which seems to cost about the same amount. Last time I was in Dubai it worked fine. They have amazing support too for a $10 service. If you aren't sure if it will work etc you can use live chat on their website and they'll answer any questions within about 3 seconds.
  22. Welcome to the forum. Let this be a lesson to you never to post anything which doesn't have sarcastic undertones.
  23. Where are these rumours coming from that players want out? I've not seen anything yet I've seen it mentioned on here several times.
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