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thesaint sfc

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Everything posted by thesaint sfc

  1. I'm also in the Mourinho fan club. Most managers are so boring - he's the only one who really lights up a club. Chelsea have become so mundane and boring without him. I think he missed the press coverage you get for being with an English top club. He'd do well at Arsenal I think, but I can't ever see Wenger going.
  2. I really liked Pardew.
  3. Thank you Stephen. Love and kisses xoxoxoxox
  4. Fantastic as backup.
  5. That is bloody brilliant.
  6. The Swan in Southampton has always given me an amazing meal. Been there many times. Otherwise there's a fair few in Brighton area which are fab. There's an Indian Restaurant in the middle of nowhere down here which is bizzare. The place looks like it costs an absolute bomb. It's got like a glitter marble floor and a mirror glass ceiling and is pretty spectacular. There are glass rooms you can't get into with fancy elephant statues in the middle of them with water features around them. The food is bloody fantastic too. Such an odd place for it to be - it's always absolutely packed too. We ordered some veggie samosas and they came with meat in which a veggie then consumed which was the only down side - they gave us about £30 off the meal and a bottle of wine for it though - and I had a damn good laugh because the veggie said it tasted delicious - then I pointed out it was full of meat.
  7. I've got some presentations I need to look at. I've put mac OSX on my dell mini 9 to have a play around before I save up and buy a mac - how do you view powerpoint presentations on a mac? Don't need to create them or anything technical like that.
  8. Glad this thread exists. The more we predict and mention things - the less likely it is to happen! That's my theory anyway.
  9. squidgy.
  10. I reckon they've got him somewhere and are torturing him to find out whatever they want to know - then they'll kill him and no one will be any the wiser.
  11. I'll give you £800 for it and not a penny more.
  12. 100% justified. Who gives a f*ck how many bullets he used? He needed to make sure the guy was out of action and not going to shoot back again. The Americans are renowned for being OTT with gun fire - but that was entirely justified. I was expecting the guy to get out of the car and put his hand in his pocket and get shot or something like that - if you shoot at the Police you should get shot dead - I'd rather a dead body gets shot a few more times to make sure it's dead than an innocent person dies.
  13. Who needs rain anyway?
  14. We don't see enough feminine words like fabulous on here IMO.
  15. All die hard Saints fans should want this IMO. UTS! Oh, they are.
  16. I don't know.
  17. I wonder what happens if you get erectile disfunction before you die? I bet the novelty of boning a load of virgins is considerably reduced when you think of them asking why it isn't working.
  18. Can we keep on topic please. Thanks.
  19. Chaplow ManU. Absolute class finish. Many'a Premiership striker would have struggled with that.
  20. I bet Osama Bin Laden wishes he didn't fill in his census form now.
  21. Much as I hate them I'd love another Southern team in the Champ with Brighton and Saints - so Bournemouth reluctantly get my vote. In my head though I'd like Huddersfield to win - they've done fantastically well this season and they seem a good all round club. Unlike the pikey bunch that support Bompey.
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