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thesaint sfc

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Everything posted by thesaint sfc

  1. lol I think Cee Lo Green is the biggest embarrassment. I do have some right sh*t on my phone.
  2. i was called will.i.am but its changed it to william =[
  3. Managed it with Veency - absolutely awesome.
  4. That is the opposite of what I'm looking for. I'm looking to have my iPhone on this - http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5143649.htm and to be able to have a picture on my mac of the iphone screen which I can control so I can choose what music to play. Like remote desktop but into my iphone rather than vice versa.
  5. I'm looking for an app which will give me my iphone on my macbook screen. Basically want to be able to control what is playing through my speakers without the need for going over to my iphone or using the remote for my speakers. It would be so cool! Anyone done anything like this?
  6. I wouldn't give a penny. We're broke. We should look out for our own. The only countries in the world that are doing OK at the moment are the ones that put themselves first which is what I thought we would be doing under Cameron - apparently not. Makes me laugh about how much they go on he supports the NHS because of what happened with his child. What? So he should only care about things if they have directly affected him?
  7. The dirty f*****g itchy nosed b*stard.
  8. Stevo PM'd me and asked me how to do it because he is a technical n00b. No worries - happy to help.
  9. I thought this was going to be one of them spam threads. I was right.
  10. I think he should be reinstated.
  11. I'd be interested in becoming a dictator if there is a position available next to Baj and SG. Please let me know and I'll send you across my CV and my list of people I've upset over the internet.
  12. I've just purchased myself a Macbook Pro - 13" / i7 / 8GB / 256GB SSD What do I need to get in preparation for its arrival?! What apps do you lot use on your macs? I need to buy Adobe Elements again My pocket really, really hurts. This cost me more than my car is worth.
  13. This looks like a fun actual game rather than just playing the part of an actor in a film as many games have now become. Looks borderline a bit OFP like.
  14. I wrote on the wall *giggles immensely*
  15. Do people still bother with cover letters? What should you include in that?
  16. I think my strongest asset is communication so I need to go a bit more OTT with that in my opening paragraph but I think its coming together! Down to 3 pages now (with a little help of adjusting margins)
  17. I think the first page should only contain essential information, but a 1 page CV looks pathetic IMO. I've read through CVs for a company and the one pagers were all students. Nuff said.
  18. So I'll alter the layout to a few things I've achieved, 2 or 3 paragraphs of a similar length to above without any crap in them and then the rest of my achievements and things I have learnt. Then my qualifications (might as well not have them on there tbh) and then a bit about what I do in my personal life. Would you put a voluntary job on there showing what you have achieved in that too? Although it's not specific to IT, I've learnt a lot about communicating with people and that sort of thing from doing it.
  19. Yup - can't imagine a more mundane job. No wonder jillsaint was so boring.
  20. Would it work replacing although I am young with 'At 21...'
  21. Yeah I took that bit out - thanks Deppo xoxo
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