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thesaint sfc

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Everything posted by thesaint sfc

  1. I think a big part of this is pre-season with Adkins. Goes to show that Cortese was spot on.
  2. Can't quite believe it - absolutely fantastic. Only one Ricky Lambert!
  3. Police need to be given more powers so they are respected - rather than constantly having to worry about doing too much or not doing enough. I completely agree 100% with Phil about the sub-cultures and how they have materialised over time and there is nothing we can do to change people in that culture now - only to try and change the younger generation who have not been sucked into the culture into being decent human beings. However taking all this into account, if these morons in this culture knew that the Police wouldn't take sh*t from them - they wouldn't f*ck with them. Instead the Police have one of the most frustrating jobs in the world to do where they can't do anything right.
  4. F*ck knows why you've supported Saints all these years then!
  5. No one died? I don't feel like you've touched me at all.
  6. Mattioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  7. I found it funny.
  8. There aren't enough threads on this forum like this.
  9. I had £5 on us winning. I came away with £11. Easy money.
  10. edit
  11. Saintsweb is going to use the same amount of servers and hardware as google does.
  12. Get an argos card and you won't need to pay for it for 12 months. Or get it at richer sounds cheaper (probably)
  13. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5296929/Trail/searchtext%3ESAMSUNG+LED.htm Bastard thing cost me £349 about a month ago.
  14. I've got a 32" Samsung LED TV in my room - fantastic. I wouldn't ever contemplate buying anything else - except maybe a plasma.
  15. Check out Quidco! My insurance renewal on all the comparison websites was £550. Got it for £430 on the Quidco website - through my current insurer too who were quoting £550!
  16. Reem.
  17. Paedophile?
  18. *infraction* I dont wanna pay Boj. Also I found it rubbish for certain things. I like my DVDRIPS in 700MB sizes. Whenever I searched for a DVD of something I had to search though it in 30 different languages and ranging from 1MB to 239732986437634TB's before I found what I wanted. Then I downloaded it and it wasn't what it was described to be. I like how torrents only get lots of seeds if they are actually worth downloading. Newsgroups are a pain!
  19. I've paid 42 times.
  20. Is there something I can download on my macbook which will block BT from seeing I'm downloading torrents so they don't cap my torrent download speeds? My speeds are terrible when downloading torrents (No - I don't want to use newsgroups)
  21. No we wouldn't.
  22. I reckon we should just close the forum down and sell our computers.
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