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thesaint sfc

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Everything posted by thesaint sfc

  1. Cost me 65 quid and a locksmith came out within the hour. If I did it I'd now need a new front door.
  2. How much do you think I'd be looking at to get my locks changed? I have the standard twisty key lock with a double lock lower down on the door. I kicked my flatmate out yesterday
  3. thesaint sfc
  4. Capt Francesco Schettino Fred Goodwin Frankie Cacozza
  5. I didn't enjoy it anywhere near as much as the first one.
  6. You may have established but I believe Shilton did it in 1967. My source for this information are the above 40 posts stating the same thing.
  7. If you don't use it, wanna sell it to me?
  8. Went to a friends house last night and had great fun playing on Dance Party on the PS3! I thought I'd invest in a Kinnect and buy Dance Party for the XBOX. It appears to be a PS3 exclusive game! Does anyone use the kinnect? What are the best games? I'm wondering if it is worth it now. I've had a look through a list of Kinnect games and none of them look particularly interesting!
  9. My god that commentators voice is annoying!
  10. TBF though, you are a mong.
  11. This exact thing kind of happened to me. I bumped the car in front of me in traffic ever so slightly and she said that she was going to have to have the bumper taken off and checked etc etc etc. It all went through insurance as I wasn't prepared that any such damage had been caused. It went on for a year. The insurance company said that she had the car checked by a garage which was reputable to them and as the damage to her car tallied up with where my car had made contact I would have to pay - it was about £368! I said I didn't want my no claims affected so I would pay the £368 out of my own pocket directly to her insurance company. They passed my details on to her insurance company who about 4 months later contacted me and asked for about £218! So my insurance company had completely inflated what was owed. Her insurance company provided me with all the receipts etc so I felt as satisfied as I could do in the end. To be honest I wish I'd hit her at 100mph and then the horrible old cow wouldn't have had the opportunity to have wound me up so much. There really are some cocks on the road. Unfortunately though, if you've made contact with their car then there isn't much you can do to avoid it.
  12. I want my £5 back. You disgust me.
  13. First Thunderbirds, now these guys.
  14. thesaint sfc


    http://www.lights2go.co.uk/product/venus_spotlight?category_id=0 Do those lights ONLY support low energy bulbs? Why do they have to make purchasing something so simple so complicated?
  15. absolutely - it's taken ages but I think we've finally found the right combination!
  16. Looked like a fair tackle to me.
  17. wow, what a shocker. What a bellend you appear to be
  18. rubbing off on your daughter?
  19. Brown.
  20. I thought he was excellent.
  21. It is cleary to follow the trend of Fonte and Forte.
  22. I hit a bar once.
  23. It has to be done just to show the other scum that it won't be tolerated. In 3 or 4 years time when tensions are running high again and the idiots are just coming out of prison for this - maybe it will make others wonder if its worth it.
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