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Everything posted by Saint-Fred

  1. Good idea's IMO..1) Away fans in the corner not on mass behind a goal. 2) The block next to them not being available for season tickets- why move to the chapel if you are not direct next door- according to some above? 3) The northam becoming bigger encouraging more singing, hopefully keeping the atmosphere but loosing the idiot eliment who go to sit next to and wind up the away fans! Why can you not have banter if you can't see the whites of their eyes? Surely If you use words and whit etc you don't need to be next to someone..unless you haven't got any whit and resort have to to physical gestures and swearing?
  2. Actually that's a bit strong and probably not really that fair so i take that back...However it is not right to be accusing one fan of being better than another simply through attendances.. Otherwise we only have a few real fans who go to everygame, every year (take the lowest attendance for an away game and that's your lot..As other said there are many demands on our time and money and as much as we dislike it, Saints cannot always be the number 1 priority for all of us.
  3. IMO people like Nick I bring nothing to Southampton Football Club. His rantings are devisive and his only goal is to promote his own self importance. In fact if Nick went to support another club tomorrow Southampton FC would be a better place...There are not many fans that you can say that about!
  4. The who is the best supporter debate is a bit pants really... I salute anyone who claims to be a Saints fan even if you have never attended a game. It would have been so easy to label yourself a Man U or Arsenal fan but for whatever reason you follow the best club in the world. If I meet you down the pub I will buy you a pint!
  5. Level with Seaman! Now theres a sentance I hoped I'd never write.
  6. I can't see anything good coming from this. It will make the strong stronger and the weak unable to dream of competing. It will effectively "fix" all clubs to their position in the hierachy now...The Wigans of this world who climb up the ranks to join the top division will cease. Of course Chelski want the rules changed now as they already "bought" their place in the top 4 and don't want that threatened by Man City, Aston Villa, Notts Co...Saints? who all have wealthy owners who, if they have the desire, could purchase that place at Chelsea's expense. IMO opinion they are free enterprises and should be allowed to stand and fall based on their own decisions, merits and if they can convince a wealthy benefactor to give them shed loads of cash then good on them. If Mr Platini wants to make it fair why not a fixed maximum amount on wages for the entire squad which is the same for every team, not according to their revenue? Therefore Notts Co can have the same wage bill as Man U should they desire (And find the cash) but not more! Or even "nationalise" the whole of European football taking in all revenue generated from TV etc and then distribute that evenly amongst all the teams involved, Thus eliminating the need for fear of dropping out of the premier league, allowing Rangers and Celtic to compete on a more even playing field.... By the way I don't think Notts co will be worried by the threat of being abnned from the champions league for a few years yet so as long as they have done all their spedning by the time they get out of the championship they should be ok! I do not believe that Mr Platini will do anything other than placate the big teams in the end as he appear to me to just seek popularity by making statements that pander to the jealous feelings from those without a significant investor, whilst actually not amking any real difference!
  7. The hardest bit for me to understand is I watched MOTD on Saturday and see a 19 year old turn the game around for Hull in the premier league and we could all name loads of players who have played in the top flight from the ages of 16 and 17, but a lot of our fans seem to think that anyone under 23 is rubbish and not capable at our level?
  8. Actually the PC was following correct procedure..... I quote section 11.1.7 of the Blackstones Police Operational handbook. Section 11 GENERAL PATROL 11.1.7 Powers relating to anti-social behaviour In the event of anti-social behaviour on a large scale, protection of the public must be considered a high priority straight after your own Health and Safety, your arrest record, the persecution of motorists (see sections 1,2,5,6,7,8,14,18,21 and 22) and the length of time until your next break. You have the power to demand the member of the public be safe guarded in the following ways: *Advise the member of public to stay in his/her home. *Advise the member of public to seek a suitable refuge.(eg public toilets, Walls and shrubbery.) *Advise the member of public to lie down and play dead. If the member of the public fails to adhere to your instruction you have the power to arrest him/her for breach of the peace/and or anti-social behaviour. Powers relating to anti-social behaviour On Patrol be aware of people acting suspiciously EG: *Hanging around public toilets *Hiding behind walls *Hiding behind shubbery These people will often make an easy arrest and will increase your arrest record if you are down for the month, with very little risk of you encountering violence. Please remember for your own Health and Safety if someone looks a bit "nuts" it is better to leave him/her to it than risk confrontation.
  9. Don't agree with all this "Pinnacle should have known".."Why last minute" stuff. Obviously they did know whatever this issue is- but they had 21 days to resolve it- but it only becomes a real issue when that time runs out and there still is no resolution or movement. IMO this is likely to be around further points deductions (How many teams end up with just the 10 points deduction in reality?) the FL is dreaming up which would effectively relegate us again...Would you want to buy a club virtually guarenteed Division 4 football next year? A five year plan to get back to the prem then would be very ambitous!
  10. Didn't Terry Curran score in the Semi-Final of the league cup in 79?
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