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Everything posted by INFLUENCED.COM

  1. I won 30 million on the lottery once, I go to collect my winnings and they tell me they want to give it to me in 10 mil instalments over the year, I told them it was wrong to mess people about like that so told them to shove it and got my pound back
  2. Not quite, she's here and i'm in the cue
  3. Tonight- Nothing as taking a mate to the airport at stupido'clock Saturday- Long bike ride to include food and wine somewhere Sunday - Puccinis in afternoon bed early evening
  4. One time after leavingThursdays nightclub(now West Quay), on the top of the stairway of that stupid little bridge thing which was under construction at the time(its just past the roundabout now)
  5. "Don't tell them your name Missile"
  6. My Mum My God My Family My Fiance My Dog My Health Every Morning that allows me another chance. Oh, and Virgin Media
  7. Or like someone who has just lost and is ******ed off his disappointment is not shared by all, its all about your interpretation I suppose
  8. Of course we were united in wanting to avoid relegation, If your driver drives you toward a wall then swerves at the last minute to avoid it, initially you are thankful that you did not hit the wall but when you think it was he who was at the wheel during the final part of that journey how much praise should he really get ? I liked Pearson for his passion not disimilar to GS, however, his record with us was little to shout about, I appreciate he did not have alot of time and would have accepted his continued employment with us to gauge what he could do given a fresh bit of paper but it was not to be and up until the Blackpool game most seemed happy with JP.
  9. Clearly a conflict of interest, his agenda driven commentary can be infectious. If these guys are unable to raise the funds in the timescale, since their alleged interest became public, how are they going to add anything to the club oppose to having just scraped enough to square off shareholders and another regime change, oh yeah and appoint Shearer.
  10. Who, worth their salts, would want the job, really, its nonsense to ask for him to go because we are out of a sh1t pot cup competition, yes more of a run would have increased revenue but there are costs associated to that too, if only 14k can be arsed to turn up on a bright Saturday afternoon how many would turn up on a weeknight against another non premiership side, as well as the toll it would take on are precious players. Little or no alternative makes me continue to support JP and the team
  11. The Japs have seen this all before, they got through it then and I'm sure they will get through it now
  12. I am sure I heard someone in the medical profession stating that due to what happens internally when you smoke a fag(lungs & airways I assume) had Bolt had a puff before running it would have enhanced his performance ?? The only sure fire thing to increase crowds is to have a run of wins, we can have the best marketing in the world but nothing would be as cheap and successful as said wins
  13. Will they be miffed, I for one would rather the stadium be filled oppose to what i'm seeing now irrespective of how they do it
  14. [quote=Mole;53846 Just continue not to go and that will see off Lowe. Great plan, dumbass
  15. Did you write the book of love ?
  16. Having a go
  17. Spoke to Woggy after the game, who had spoken with Leon and Lawrie, both insisted the Fulthorpe 'thing' will happen, 'thing' because do not know how else to refer to it, Woggy remains on 'gardening leave' till the 'thing' happens
  18. Winning has to be a priority, many slated Derby for how they won promotion bet the Derby fans couldn't of cared how they gained promotion(although shortlived) I like the way we are playing but obviously want to see performances converted into wins
  19. 7 for the munch
  20. Husband goes into a store with his wife and loses sight of her so he goes up to a large breasted blonde and says "can you talk to me for 5 minutes as I have lost my wife", "sure" says the blonde "but I don't know how it will help" the man replies, "she always seems to turn up when i'm talking to hot women"
  21. Since when has it taken bottle to slate someone on a forum you spastic ?
  22. Especially as for the first time in many years we have a team that is putting their all into getting a result. Saturdays weather is good so hope many more will answer the call and get down to St Marys and support our TEAM.
  23. Will never understand why Saints fans continue to excuse his time here, of course there was time it was the will that there was little or nothing of
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