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Everything posted by INFLUENCED.COM

  1. Isn't it ironic, the song ? In the lyrics there is a line "as the plane crashed down he thought well isn't this nice" How great being empowered as you suggest must make you feel
  2. Which arm does the Octopus use ?
  3. Deserved and long may his form and that support levelled at him continue
  4. Remind us all again on who they were and how much we would of had to pay for them ?? remember Saha and Malbranque being mentioned, what was their market value in 03/04 ?
  5. Why ??
  6. "Kissing was too intimate" always makes me laugh that one, its okay to play the skin flute but whatever you do don't you dare kiss !!!!
  7. DP will only ever bring you and your mate closer
  8. They Can't, they have to pay a few sQuid to have it done to them
  9. Perpetual Hard Slapping Action ?
  10. Most women who I have cum across do not have an issue with it so see no reason for denial, noone likes to think their partner "needs" to do it, men and women alike, doesn't mean it is a slight on you as a man they may have the medical condition PHSA
  11. Then you shoot the owner ! ex paper boy/ postman who regularly peed their pants when the pug would grab the paper/mail ?
  12. Care to tell
  13. Is there a reason for this
  14. Not strictly true, they can certainly stick their nose and tongue places without so much of an introduction, try that, don't think you will have to waste too much money on drinks but it still won't guarantee the ride, that said, I suppose it depends how long your tongue is and where you drink
  15. Care to tell
  16. Is there a reason why you think this ?
  17. If he kops off in the local park unplanned I can do little about that, he has a good pedigree so would make for a good stud dog, would rather he mate with his own breed and not intrested in a fee or a puppy just for him to have a go or two
  18. Will be if they have Bart
  19. Weimaraner
  20. Your own method on Fri/Sat night ?
  21. He is and I am trying to find him a b itch, when he has the sniff, such as he did the other day, he is unsettled for a couple of days and when out on walks will venture further than normal just to sniff another dog and quickly return when its a male, when at home or at work he will lay on his bed and whine which can be irritating but I have to accept its not his fault he's just got the rageing horn.
  22. My dog needs about 2 hours exercise a day, he is sociable and ordinarily good on command, walking him on a lead is not practical, I just think if your dogs in season just walk her around the block not in a place where you will come across many dog walkers.
  23. Whilst walking my dog we came across a woman walking amongst others a female dog in season, this sent my dog a bit cuckoo with me having to trek after the woman to get my dog back, I held him for 5mins but as soon as I let him go he was off to where the female was, eventually I had to leave the rec, the woman believed she should be able to walk the female even though she was in season and would send male dogs nuts, I thought she was wrong, what do you think ?
  24. Fail to understand quite why you are endorseing this model ?? It clearly does not "get by"
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