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Everything posted by INFLUENCED.COM

  1. I take it that reserve price includes James ?
  2. Despite our government apologising to, what seems every nation in the world, perhaps many consider us, as a race, in similar light ?
  3. Twin Peaks
  4. I appreciate your reply.
  5. I thought you worked at Asda ?
  6. Once there, I'm sure you will find many thousands willing to carry you !!!
  7. You're out of order ! SRS didn't wish for nothing, he was and is that !! (that said, don't know him, never met him, think I recall pictures from facebook on here once but in the main taking it from what norwaysaint posts about him)
  8. the french
  9. Thought this may be clearer ???
  10. You may find Spurs/Redcrap have agreed to pick up a larger percentage, if not all, of his wage in order he continues to develop through 1st team football.
  11. I find common sense supercedes itk
  12. 'good luck to them' get a grip ffs, we, as a country, are at war and you are wishing our 'enemy' good luck, whether you agree or not with the Governments decision to wish all the best to those hiding behind women and children shooting at our soldiers, planting roadside bombs etc..is sickening, shame on you.
  13. Do you pee hair then ?
  14. The number of teeth in their heads
  15. Never feared for my nephews safety for a moment, equally he did not 'witness' the behaviour first hand, for me it was about choice, if you wanted to follow and run around in circles jumping up and down wailing like excited chimps you could, however, if you wanted to walk back to your vehicle, wait till the roads opened and proceed back to your local you could, for any young fan to miss out on the atmosphere within the ground on derby day due to irrational fear is a great shame, imo
  16. At least they can say they were there when....................?? when what ? "we broke down some temporary fencing, then put it back up again BUT threw some stones and a plastic chair !"....don't really see a 'Soul Cellar' thread from the events of that day.
  17. Newly refurbished function room at The Saints Pub
  18. Nationalism has been discouraged for some time now, why ? perhaps its all to do with losing independance, the world seems to be getting smaller almost turning into one state, as highlighted earlier any reference to the Empire 'Great Britain' once was and you are quickly reminded of the crimes committed in becoming such, told how badly 'we' treated others in our belief that the English were an imperial race, is this simply in order that we are more receptive to mass immigration that has happened changing how britains existed for centurys, is it a better place since we have lost our heritage, who knows ? I know it would be good to allow some to speak their minds without fear of being labeled racist or xenaphobic.
  19. Paddy, Jock and John are sat up on the scaffolding at lunch time, John opens his lunch box and says "cheese ! i'm sick of cheese ! if ive got cheese tomorrow i'm throwing myself off of this scaffold !!" Jock opens up his lunch box and says "Ham !, i'm sick of ham ! if ive got ham tomorrow i'm throwing myself off this scaffold !!" Paddy opens his and says "Jam ! i'm sick of Jam ! if ive got Jam tomorrow i'm throwing myself off too !!" next day at dinner time John opens up his lunch box see's its cheese and throws himself off, Jock see's his is Ham and throws himself off, Paddy opens his to see its Jam and throws himself off, all died on impact. At the funerals, Johns wife sobbing says "I don't understand it I thought John loved cheese", Jocks wife cried "I don't understand it I thought Jock loved Ham" Paddy's wife said "I don't understand it...Paddy made his own Sandwiches"
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