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Everything posted by INFLUENCED.COM

  1. We'll soon be the SuperKings of Europe
  2. As a mother once said "they blow up so quickly nowadays"
  3. More Cyclical than coincidence(when you are as old as you and the Who) !!
  4. With a strike force like that we could nic a ten nil
  5. Well hung
  6. They'd be smokin !! TMS
  7. I boo'd this thread !
  8. But what if you need a pair of size 11 boots and.............................
  9. If you weren't serious that would have been funny.
  10. "Damned if you do damned if you don't" had AP been ecstatic he would have soon been reminded it was 'only the JPT' because he was reserved(although after watching it on tv yesterday, I thought he celebrated appropriately for every goal) we over analyse, im no body language expert so won't even enter into suggestion but to say he is not or never will be one of those managers who offer something extra in interview, he simply is not that type of 'character'.
  11. Perhaps you have problems communicating.
  12. Is it your feet and nose that never stop growing ? I buy footwear on average every 3 months, this has never happened to me, in September it was suggested it happened alot and within 6 months it has happened again, what are the odds ?(apart from the poster) I believe suggestions should be put forward in order that, when you are sad and lonely, instead of making up a story that you made up only 6 months earlier, you are better off doing........???
  13. Has he got teeth now ?
  14. Although I consider this a fair summary I worry that somehow in the midst of all this one of the characters that make up the story may be singing from a different hymn sheet.
  15. As do I, my Dog was drowning and a passing German Tourist dived in, pulled him out and resucitated him saving his life, I said "are you a vet ?" he said "vet !, I'm fucin soaked"
  16. Can you post tonight about Meridian News
  17. Name at least 5, please.
  18. Yes, also had a fetish as I recall from an expose by the News of the World, His Dad lives/lived locally !
  19. Never been the same since Burnside left "You Blagger"
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