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Everything posted by INFLUENCED.COM

  1. She told me it was the Sun that shone through her back doors not the ISS
  2. Same applies !
  3. As if that will be needed !
  4. I hope he and they succeed.
  5. Spoke to a mate last week who suggested Claus is not of sound mind at the minute, not solely because of the crimes he has committed because of certain behaviours, of course whatever he is taking has had an impact but clearly now needs help. Although I still think 'idiot' as it is his lifestyle that has brought this about perhaps he is too proud/stubborn in moments of sobriety to listen to advice and seek help so perhaps a court order will go someway to put him right.
  6. 'Discrimination' like this has gone on for very many years, the age old 'joke' is what word beginning N and ending in R should you never call a black man.....Neighbour, ultimately it will be down to the owners who they want to rent their house unless the letting agent has autonomy, my own experience is that I had less trouble with a 'foreign' tenant than I did the English ones but no doubt everyone has a story. Doubt a landlord would be sued for refusing a tenant as the reasons for refusal could be vast and would never have to disclose the fact that he/she/they are simply prejudice.
  7. TV (on both counts)
  8. Whats a penis and the bible got in common ? They are both shoved down your throat by a priest !!
  9. Can get the newly refurbished function room at the Saints Pub for free, beers £2.35 a pint, seating for 100, capacity 200 and before anyone suggest its a hole, I will emphasise the 'newly refurbished', I know its Millbrook but the new owners really have turnt it around, its now the busiest pub outside of the city centre.
  10. Started a new job in HMV, a lad from Pompey came in an asked "do you have anything by The Doors" I replied "Yes ! an alarm and 2 security guards so dont even think about it you thieving skate b*stard"
  11. Oppose to making an example/pushing for custodials of those caught stamping on the head of an opposing fan caught on CCTV ?? What kind of f8ked up system do we have that lacks consistency in these matters, is this to simply label the operation a success ? the success surely should be that 'violence' between opposing fans was minimal due to police tactics which should be commended, I am far from condoning their actions, partly because I remain unsure of what they actually did but to 'push for custodials' seems OTT, banning orders, fines etc.. but custodials ? you are found guilty of trying to look hard, take them down !! 10k a day at Crown Court, not what i'd call in the public interest
  12. Noticed him too, only recognised him because I thought it strange that a man would dance only using his left !!
  13. Do you have to wear a tracksuit to coach/develop ? (rupes managed to do it 'mostly' in a suit)
  14. Everything contained within that role will require him to draw on his experience as a coach, the fact that he is an experienced coach is what made him attractive for the position, I accept his title does not have coach in it but how do you ensure others develop without coaching ? Whether AP had influence or not over the appointment we will have to wait for confirmation but I hope he is happy with it as surely they will be in communication
  15. My opinion, of course
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