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Everything posted by INFLUENCED.COM

  1. Agree, for my generation and many others we can only listen and read of what they did for our club yet still have an appreciation
  2. The poster said Southampton !!!! The newly refurbished function room at The Saints Pub is free, lagers only £2.35 a pint
  3. A similar question could be asked....if the leader of a group of people stated that those of whom he leads will fight with another country against your own, what would you do ? would you want those people out of your country ? would you want those people held who support this leader ? it is therefore, somewhat hypocritical of this state to try and justify certain actions because of the threat that exists. Every action has a reaction so sadly the cycle continues.
  4. I have read that in the late 1930's plans were to transfer European Jews to the French owned Madagascar and if I recall correctly the British had direct involvement with this as we controlled the seas
  5. "dumped" there or chose "there", Isreal have been 'compensated' for that displacement, part of which has allowed them to become the super power they are, they could have created a country in less hostile a region.
  6. Enjoyed the experience again, thought some of the goals were quality along with some of the play in the first half, Spades gets my vote for man of the match. SG, sorry mate thought I got the ball but was difficult as there was someone obscuring all of my view, hope nick enjoyed the win and to use a cliche if it was a boxing match it would have been stopped after 20 minutes it was that one sided.
  7. I trust you have had a regime and the same can be said of you on the pitch ????
  8. Fair play to you for putting it out their now but subject to the result it may have been enforced anyway !!! Obviously we go into the game confident of beating the make shift side created by SG's shuffling, so, are you happy that this will leave both you and dp with a win each, would you not be hungry for a leveller ?
  9. Due to the embarrassment of losing to dp's team last year I went straight from the stadium to Eastleigh Airport and flew out of the country, eventually spending time among the Burmese Kayan tribe so this is how I managed to add 5 inches, however, oppose to putting the brass coils around my neck I felt the result would be more useful if placed elsewhere.... and you were on my team !!! I have an underactive thyroid !
  10. A French man has died whilst training to be a sky diver, sources at the English school of sky diving have said they have no idea why his flippers and snorkel didn't open. Whats a Catholic Priest and a pint of Guiness got in common ? Black Coat, White Collar and God help your arse if you get a dodgy one ! My girlfriends going nuts, she's just dumped me and threw me out of the house as she's found out ive been having sex with her sister, ive told her she is pathetic, getting jealous over a 9 year old girl.
  11. Got a new neighbour who is Bulimic, the noise has been keeping me awake till all hours, last night it got so bad I had to bang the wall and ask her to keep it down.
  12. Of course they will as there will be no reason for you to open them within 24 hrs, perhaps the following day when catching up with old friends may be more appropriate ?
  13. Ok, publically I let her know who is in control, privately I let her throw the I told you so's at me !! even when wrong she's right..........apparently !
  14. Yes, why not her ?
  15. Answer every rumour ? oppose to concentrating on the job in hand, he would have to make a statement to the media every day, every rumour ? would like to think he is far too busy for that nonsense, I would agree that the AP thing ran for too long but it is his way and if that means success on the pitch then who cares if he is not in the paper or on the news every day pandering to the media. He has highlighted how 'legends' of the club potentially damaged its future, he is not emotionally attached to these individuals and no doubt thought about the terminology before going public, I think my mum is fantastic but when she tries to have influence over my decisions I have to remind her of who is now in control.
  16. Volcanic Ash ? Something more sinister ? Only wants to watch us at Wembley ? Is subject to a banning order ?
  17. Another shot across the bows from Cortese, it is clear he cares not for the reputations of those that were before him and have doubts as to whether that is a good thing, as, although they have left themselves open for criticism due to their alliances some of those he has had a pop at will always be considered legends but that too comes with responsibility. I am glad he seems focused on the most important thing which is our clubs success.
  18. Blood Diamond
  19. You could ask that about the other 'occupations' referenced, some could say simply being in Iraq or Afghanistan places a soldier in a life threatening situation but how many times does he as an individual actually get shot at(it could well be very high). Firefighters don't know when or what the next call may be equally the same goes for the Police is it not more about the risk ? too many are paid more than firefighters, Soldiers, Police when you break it down to what we do by comparison and that does of course include 'trolley dollies', all are aware of the pay before they enter into the profession so never agree with strike action over pay.
  20. He's a ****, he's always been a ****, he'll probably carry on being a ****, in fact if there was a **** competition he would come second, why second ? because he's a ****
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