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Everything posted by INFLUENCED.COM

  1. Thought the dog knew exactly what to do, he suggested crossing a couple of times the dog remained still, John stated how well trained the dog is in that respect. It is difficult not to see the funny side of this illness, as those afflicted also can at times, I remember watching the very first one 'John's not mad' then the second one when he was older and spoke about how he wanted to be in the army but said "imagine me as a sniper, whoa i'm up here" he touched on similar in this programme when speaking about playing charades and how he never can be the one who stands up as immediately he would shout "it's Jaws" and thats his go finished. Heightened awareness is always a good thing.
  2. I despise him and his like, however, due to the crazy world we live in he will now receive tens of thousands of pounds in compensation due to the guards 'failure' to protect him, sometimes the threat of attack is more damaging than the act, that said, if the opportunity presented itself to cause him a % of the harm that he inflicted on those girls and their families I would not hesitate.
  3. Original ! Like mint in most things but can't get on with it in Vienetta
  4. Beef 8 Potatoes Roasted in Goose fat with rosemary sprinkled over them 2 Yorkshire Puddings Roast Parsnips Honey Roasted Carrots 2 Stuffing Balls Swede Peas The Gravy The recovery position until 8ish then a couple of slices of Vienetta
  5. A pub(queens ?), The Echo Office, A Restaurant upstairs(Harry from the Four Horseshoes opened it) thats as much as I remember of it.
  6. No manager will ever have everyone on side so criticism is inevitable, I don't think a comparison to any manager over the last 26 years is a fair one, who knows what Gray, Wigley, Sturrock etc..could have done in this league with the same funds available, I don't like inconsistency any more than the next fan but this season has brought us something that wasn't on my radar in the summer, Wembley and safety by Christmas.
  7. rhetorical ?
  8. Living in a time when the IRA represented the only(known) terrorist threat, although, invariably, they were quite polite in letting you know they had planted a bomb(sometimes, even though they hadn't) I feel those that are known to support a particular cause or are guilty by association should accept the fact that they are on the radar and either cease with 'activities' or face arrest and swallow the consequence without calling foul
  9. Not strictly true is it ?
  10. A boy is at confession and says to the Priest "forgive me father for I have sinned. I masterbated with thoughts of my big sister" The Priest shouts "that is disgraceful !!!..................especially as you have two gorgeous little brothers"
  11. Not if less within that group commit crime.
  12. Keep up this training malarky and you simply will not fit in with that bunch of....................
  13. e mailed the parking confirmation to me the same day
  14. Beckham is the best ambassador we have for the game, I agree he will be missed but it will not impact greatly on our chances of winning, I don't think Beckham makes it about himself more the media make it about him, he has always professed to being a fan of that club and I accept his explanation of the scarf incident. If only more loved to play for their country as much as he and I am sure Rooney does.
  15. I aint no Doctor but I am sure that you are right
  16. Think that child may have been allowed a few alcopops last night on the back of our win to come on here at 11pm requesting another male saint suck him off. I do not interpet NI's statements in the press as speaking for me, why should I ? I have my own voice so therefore can speak for myself, however, I am glad he raises awareness of issues through press association and do not believe he should be subject to personal attacks or lewd suggestion because of it.
  17. You are joking right ? you compare this nonsense to war, are you aware of whats going on around the world ?
  18. Two up with Illingsworth and he may just be able to sort it out for you !!
  19. No.6 is the lead singer of Depeche Mode
  20. Do you think he contacted the BBC or the BBC contacted him ?
  21. I think its due to the post simply being a pop at Illingsworth oppose to the story behind it.
  22. Is your problem with them actually taking the guy to court due to the value of the theft or that it is a soldier ?
  23. Of course but silly little things such as that on here shouldn't get you at it.
  24. I can't work out who is on the biggest wind up you or Wiltshire ? You suggest 'there are too many idiots on this board', I would suggest there are as many that take this forum too seriously, making threats in the manner that you did to those who run this site was both unecessary and over the top based only on a comment from a poster who is known for his 'unique style' of posting. Now that you have received your apology and many hours have passed, do you feel you over reacted ? imo you definately did.
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