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Made in Southampton

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Everything posted by Made in Southampton

  1. Remember when tv remotes were invented? Imagine having to get up and down to change channel with the 300+ ones we have nowadays!
  2. To... Many..... Gifs..... For..... iPhone..... To...... Handle!
  3. I'm sorry am I missing something. Wos this football thing people are discussing?
  4. Toasted with butter so it melts. or Nutella
  5. I got +1 reps just for joining TMS from Spudders! He's super awesome!
  6. Woooha! You mean she's not Rowan Atkinsons daughter? **** it, as mistakes go I happy with it. She stays.
  7. Yes and she’s wearing a green bra an stuff. I love her. She’s Gemma Atkinson and until I was doing a pervy Google search of Famous daughters on Google images I didn’t realise that her dad was Rowan Atkinson.
  8. Thing is I likes to sit on my own as well sometimes. There's nothing worse than some stupid bell end spouting off **** that he clearly has no clue about. Anyways he's the Don you should show more respect.
  9. No Milts you are the Psycho that wanted to kill me. Phil won.
  10. Thanks for taking an interest, it makes this much more personable. I was born in September so probably under a xmas tree up north. (My dad’s a Sunderland fan) Hmmm tempting. I thought Barry Sanchez was Dune? I was thinking this when I wrote the title. Full member Tee Hee. WINNER! Clearly lots of thought has gone into this and Rick Astley was the Cheery on the top. For what its worth ‘Never gonna give you up’ whilst an all time classic is not a scratch on 'Cry for Help’ which has got to be one of the most under rated songs of all time. You better speak to Spudgun for Rep points. I got told off earlier.
  11. Nope not liking this one. Not feeling the love (Although the points you make are fair)
  12. So the idea is whoever convinces me that this is a good idea and gets me to part with my fiver gets + 5 reputation points or whatever you crazy kids are calling it. Go.
  13. His mugging off of Suarez for his booking was first class. You could see the smirk on his face before Suarez started getting all eggy.
  14. Thanks for the offer. I used to be a fully paided up customer but the mong I mean 'main' board has become a little tedious of late so that was that. However lurking on here has cracked me up so many times I thought it about time I chipped in. Anyway this is Capitals Hello thread so I won't hijack it. I wants to know more about Capitals bird in the pink glasses. Is that your nan dude?
  15. Another fiver towards the next curry night eh? This milts guy also sounds like I decent geezer, always looking to meet up, make new friends and such. Best of luck Bear. A friend of a friend recently had a premature baby and alls well so far. Good things do still happen.
  16. Ah man I forgot about that 50shades of grey thread. That was funny. That bear is a very witty individual.
  17. There will be blood. That's a good one, surprised its not been mentioned.
  18. When she said "I wanna come" at about 4:30 I was like I bet you would you dirty little minx.
  19. So sad. I was going to pay my fiver just so I could get to know him to. Now I will have to lurk back into the shadows.
  20. Will Riise start? He's very good at defending and has a good eye for a back pass.
  21. It's Ramirez. Someone needs to tell him to get it in red and white though the daft cvnt. Fonte clearly reads this forum cos hes parked his Bentley properly next to him.
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