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Made in Southampton

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Everything posted by Made in Southampton

  1. Funny this. Was in conversation with a guy from work. (This is a friend of a friends dad brother former college room-mate kind of thing) Think its his brother, but hes a cabbie and took a group of six (4 Americans + 2 Italians) from Southampton Airport to SMS the other day.
  2. I had no idea about this bit of history. I dont know what it says about the guy bearing in mine if he was walking in those circles and still couldnt get investment when he must of had stacks of contacts. Just when I thought the guy couldnt get any worse........ What a complete 'tard.
  3. LOL yeah and just when you think you'll get the five seconds of air time the adverts will come on.
  4. I saw that as well and only caught the end of it. Says if it goes through he'd have a place on the board.
  5. I saw an plane in the sky today..... Wierd.
  6. ......... erm no I've not read it. But I think I will. (Just to get this back on track, sorry)
  7. tbh Dexter Blackstock scoring doesn't really suprise me. Theres that many ex-saints players out there that the % of one of them popping up and doing something like this is quite high.
  8. Jesus Alpine reading your posts makes me want to slit my wrists........ cheer up ffs.
  9. Hello rupert, I have one question for you. Why are you such a c*nt? I and many others would love to know. Thanks in advance.
  10. Thanks for the link but im really not interested in anything this guy has to say. All I'd hear would be Blah Blah F*ckin Blah. More spin a counter blame coming from his gob sh*te mouth. Crawl back under yer rock and stay there.
  11. You've oviously given this slot of thought.
  12. Can we find a buyer first before the mud slinging? I dont think I could handle more division in the fan base. I think we should just be concentrating saving this club. Inquests can wait.
  13. Rule 2.10 Announcement (Southampton Leisure) TIDMSOO RNS Number : 0367Q Southampton Leisure Holdings PLC 02 April 2009 ? 2 April 2009 Southampton Leisure Holdings plc ("SLH" or "the Company") The joint administrators of the Company note the recent press speculation in regard to the sale of the Company. The joint administrators confirm that they are soliciting offers for both the Company and its main asset, Southampton Football Club Limited. A further announcement will be made in due course. This taken from ADVFN announced at 1539 today. But as it says I guess that the fact we have been on national maybe even international news means people have taken note and are showing interest. I choose to take this as a positive..................... I need this let me have it.
  14. Are you sure? At the end of the day any company is open to offers if the price is right.
  15. Between the G20 protests and shearer going back to Newcastle Ithink you'll find our news isnt on the top of the agenda. If Shearer hadn't announced his return today Im sure we'd have more air time on SSN.
  16. Tesco make £3b and BP and shell make what ? £30b whos worse ?
  17. The only difference between Tesco and the of major food retailers is Size. It makes me laugh how people jump on the band wagon to stick a knife into a true British success story like Tesco. Forget what you hear on the news its one sided, find your own views that you have researched. If you think Sainsbury’s Asda and Morrison’s is any better than Tesco in its code of conduct you are greatly mistaken. The commission wasn’t investigating Tesco on it own it was the industry and made recommendations accordingly. I love the British view of success we love to knock it. If Tesco were based in the states as they are here they'd welcome it with open arms as an American dream of success. For those of you that don’t know. Tesco started as a corner shop selling tea so for all the small retailers moaning on about how badly they are treated they need to wake up and roll with the punches adapt and overcome.
  18. 1. Allegedly is right and what multi national corporation doesn’t try to avoid paying Taxes. 2. Tesco pays more to its employees in wages and benefits than its other major competitors. 3. Think you'll find its £9 in every £10 put hey lets not bash a British success story eh. We do love to do that don’t we? 4. If you don’t like em don’t shop with em if that’s your stand point but while they have customers going through their doors they will continue to expand. Oh and yes I do work for them. One of the best employers you'll find in this country.
  19. Think he means in each game - Fact HTH
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