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Made in Southampton

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Everything posted by Made in Southampton

  1. This is my kind of thread erm......... Yo!
  2. New posters are going up. That's what's happening.
  3. Bearsy, Tokyo Saint, Spudgun to name a few from the muppet show who crack me up. Love it when they make appearances on the main board cos most people just don't get it.
  4. Raggy? My one is better.
  5. I for one am glad they are censoring ****. I'm a very impressionable 37 year old that may be phchologically affected by such things.
  6. Hey you're back! Say something funny yo!
  7. Chris Marsden = football genius.
  8. Yes but only because he is the undisputed king of fail threads yo.
  9. I'm gonna spend the day talking to people at work adding the letter S to words and using an excessive amount of Yo's....... Yo.
  10. Ah so that explains why there's always so many people in apple stores! They ain't buying **** they're all mods checking in Yo!
  11. Hang on a minute! So what happens if we spam the ! Button? Does it like set off the bat phone and alarms in Mod HQ and stuff? That would be the **** yo!
  12. This sort of thing offends me! You think we're all the same, tarring us with the same brush well you've just stepped over the line! Wheres a Mod? ..........
  13. This read to me that you want to reinstate him but some nazi won't let you? I feel for you blud.
  14. I'm still not getting it. You got infractions for the equivalent of calling someone a racist? But that's wrong isn't it? If I was to call someone a racist it would probably be because they had said or done something racist. Or is that your point? Or whatever.
  15. I'm glad he did. I thought it was funny as F*ck!
  16. Get in! This sort of stuff has given me a semi. *or is it cos it is still early?
  17. How many of those '10' did you give him?
  18. Shhhhh
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