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Made in Southampton

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Everything posted by Made in Southampton

  1. I know a Feyenoord Fan and he's gutted at the prospect of losing him from the team. I'd rather take his view on the player than yours. He puts much of Feyenoords recent success down to him and Koeman. By the way he also expects to lose a few other players this transfer window. So it seems we're not the only ones to be victims of our own success.
  2. Thats 2 mins of my life i won't be getting back.
  3. 4 year deal signed with Leicester. End of chat.
  4. Went better than #askharry
  5. No, no, no this won't do at all. The media hate us that's the way it's always been! I don't like change.
  6. I'm in the camp that thinks if we hadn't of cashed in on the Bale sell on clause we may not have a club to support so what's done is done and we move on with a, lets face it, better situation than what we were in when we sold Bale in the first place.
  7. "...... I know and it raises 2m on appearances!"
  8. Absolute legend! Man crush complete!
  9. My 2 yr old boy no matter what he's doing will stop what he's doing to watch this advert. Even comes in from the other rooms if he hears her voice. Go on son!
  10. Dem Bewbs are hypnotic.
  11. I bet their Muppet show is a bundle of laughs. Lol when was the last time you stabbed someone yo? Or whatever.
  12. So just to clarify Simon Peach is as ITK as Glasgow Saint?
  13. Is that in Braille?
  14. Push the envelop Bob.
  15. I hope he stays. Pure and simply for the bloke I saw in Sainsburys with 'Gaston' on the back of his new Saints shirt..............
  16. I was not actually made in Southampton and my fingers are so fat that I probably account for about half of GS profile visits. Sorry GS.
  17. If you could let us know at what times there are shots of nips or even side boob it would be appreciated.
  18. Ok clearly I've missed the point on this. No, your right I haven't seen any of the afore mentioned. All is right I'm the world again.
  19. I'm sorry but WHAT THE ****? Thats serious right? Someone actually went to a hollywood director a pitched that film idea and they said yes? I give up.
  20. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QGnD2LfJ7Ng&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQGnD2LfJ7Ng Good job she's got massive jugs coz that song is ****e! What's she singing about anyway tokes?
  21. That's not Tokyo.... He's not in the slightest bit Chinese.
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