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Cincy USA

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Cincy USA's Achievements

  1. Cheap Trick.... "I Juanyou to Juanmi....."
  2. Mané, Mané, do-doo-doo-doodoo Mané, Mané, do-doo-doo-doo-doo [repeat ad infinitum]
  3. The plate is mine. I promised it myself when we moved back to Ohio from Kentucky. Couldn't get the spacing in KY, not enough letters. Just $50 a year. Bargain!
  4. Not as cool as the pool by any means, but I did snap this up a couple of months ago.. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10473334_10203346069865565_5331307144772469024_o.jpg
  5. Mah-ne, Mah-ne, doo doo doo-doodoo... and repeat infinitum...
  6. Saints game against Sunderland on the 15th now being shown live on Fox Sports 2. 7:45 a.m.
  7. Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky Molly Malone's Covington http://covington.mollymalonesirishpub.com Tell 'em Southampton Steve sent ya!
  8. There are two JJ's now!
  9. Cincinnati, Ohio (Matches all watched on the other side of the river in Covington, KY)
  10. I asked the ticket guy at Romsey station and he looked at me as if I had coughed up a chicken. So, £4.20 it was. Still good value I reckon.
  11. Saw a tweet saying there is supposed to be £2 train & bus tickets for the friendly tomorrow How does this work? I am over from the States and have a ticket for the match and need to travel in from Romsey. Thanks for any pointers on how to nab a cheapie train fare
  12. As long as the Pompey Takeover Thread is still going....
  13. "Dunno" Fox still on pitch in 2nd half...
  14. Heads up to say that the ManUre/Saints match is live on ESPN2 & ESPN2HD this afternoon as well as ESPN Desportes (if you dig Spanish commentary)
  15. Good job it was Hazard who kicked that ball boy in the ribs. Torres would have missed.
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