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Everything posted by Jez

  1. You didn't read that story very well did you?
  2. I love how some dinlo comes on here abusing our club, and yet as usual, the end result is in-fighting and bickering and mud slinging between our own fans. Again. Every time without fail. Its so boring.
  3. Ahh I see. Good idea. Yes. Well done. Why didn't Cortese thing of that. Let's get in Torres then... oh yeah, I forgot, we're in the Championship and he is no good at our level (sadly of course or at any other level these days)
  4. Surely as England are pretty good at football (top 10 in the world so I hear) and we have the best league in the world (arguably) and every other nation will be following the same rules as us, our set of players (once those above 23 and already involved in the Euro's are taken out of the equation) should in theory be just as good as or better than any other country entering this competition. Therefore, our chances of winning the thing must be pretty decent. I'm not a big fan of the Olympics personally btu I enjoy football, and would think that most people would be cheering on England and following our progress should be actually do ok and reach the final for example. There must be a lot of good players on the fringes of Prem teams and playing regular football in the Championship who are 23 and under, and as the Championship is probably of a comparable level with the mid-lower sections of many other countries top flight divisions, then I would agree with Junior Mullet that we'll do very well.
  5. Everytime Saints sing OWTS it gets a load of boos, jeers and hisses from the skates. They hate it and its pro Saints, so lets sing that for 90 mins and really píss them off.
  6. I blame the atmosphere being ruined (well, it wasn't ruined at all, but according to some on here, it was sub-standard) on those ridiuculous random drummers that played in the middle of the pitch from about 12.35 all the way through constantly to about 12.57. Yes, I looked at my watch when they left the stadium. Pre game, when I turned up, about 12.15 or so, it was a great atmosphere, loads of Saints singing as the Pompey end still half empty, and generating loads of excitement etc. Then them drummers/band got going and killed any kind of atmosphere that had been generated. So when all the drunk skates turned up 5/10 prior to kick off, all they could hear was the drums doing some repetitive boring noise.
  7. I've seen holepuncture mention this repeatedly. I'd like to see proof/workings/some link or something just so I can point it out to my skate colleagues after we beat them when they go on about how expensive our squad was to assemble, or whatever excuse they may use.
  8. As I live in Fratton, and am going to the game (planning on getting the train to Soton early Sunday morning) I wonder how likely it is that if I explain to the police/stewards after the game where I live, they'll let me walk the 5 minutes home I was thinking perhaps "my pregnant girlfriend has gone into labour, here is my drivers licence to prove my address, can I go home now please?". Although not sure it will be worth the risk if "spotted" leaving the Saints pack by the locals!! Having to get the bubble bus back to Soton, then the train back to Pompey after the game is gonna be an effort if we don't win! Not sure why there is 5 pages on the possibility that Saints would not sell out this game by the way! Some pessimistic or naive people out there!
  9. corpse
  10. I'm sure plenty of people will say it every game. At the same time however, plenty of people will also say we'll probably smash them a new one. Personally, I think we'll smash them a new one.
  11. I now have no idea where I read that, I thought it was someone in the quote from Cortese, but must have been somewhere on here... just dunno where! Apolgogies if that wasn't something Cortese actually has been attributed to saying.
  12. You and JRM (and others) are so boring and really frustrate me with your negative and suspicious attitude, and clearly many others. Why so cynical? Were you part of the failed MLT bid or something? Do you not want Saints to be aiming towards success in the Premiership? Do you think they Nicola should cancel these dinners then as they are a waste of time to all involved? Maybe you do, but as previous dinners have shown, we as fans find out some interesting stuff, and you can be sure he does too. There is no way that having a conversation with 12 season tickets holders won't give him some interesting feedback. Perhaps percentage wise it is small, but if all 12 of them went in saying "The parking charge is ridiculous at St Marys on non match days ffs" then you can guarantee he would take note. He might justify it in his own way and carry on regardless, but to say the whole exercise is pointless (for both parties) is bizarre. I don't get why everyone is so focused on the whole beer at Plymouth thing either, as brussels Saint says above, as it was no doubt an idea he had, it didn't work, but he just mentioned in passing he had considered it, and then everyones goes mad making out he is some mad inventor with crazy ideas or something! Reading his comments, even if 3rd hand (well, 2nd technically as they were quoted directly from facebook), is so exciting. Even if they are just pie in the sky comments from Cortese, at least they are his aims. We probably won't win the EPL with 8 home grown players, but my god, for him to be even contemplating that possibility is so ambitious, and shows how high he thinks Saints can get. To be fair, I'll be happy with 17th in the Prem next season, but my aspirations are changing all the time as a Saints fan as we continue to improve in every way. At the start of the season, there was a poll on here about where everyone thought Saints would finish, and from memory, I am pretty sure the percentage saying 1st or 2nd was very low. About a third of the way through the season now, I wonder what everyone thinks now!! As a fan of Saints, reading positive things directly attributable to our chairman is excellent. I can only think the years of dross we have seen recently has brainwashed so many posters on here into thinking negatively about everything that goes on at Saints, they fail to be excited about the future and instead look for the smallest thing to whine and moan about. Not just from this post, but plenty of others too. Its sad so many people STILL have no faith or belief in our chairman and try so hard to ridicule or prove wrong everything he seems to do or say.
  13. This is different to when Saints ANY player how exactly? (or any other club for that matter) Especially as Adkins has stated he will only be buying players that are better than what we currently have.
  14. wow, another gem from Charlie! So in your opinion, its a waste of time young players going out on loan?
  15. Jez


    Is this normal in Middlesbrough?
  16. I saw him in a bar/restaurant in Portsmouth a couple of months ago. I like seeing famous people unexpectedly.
  17. Grape nuts or coco shreddies
  18. could you not have resurrected this thread after we beat Brighton rather than before hand, as now we'll lose. Yes, because of this.
  19. I live in Fratton and now stand a decent chance of getting a ticket. In the Saints end obviously. So I could walk 5 mins to the stadium, or.... you know the rest Still, will be worth it if I get a ticket!
  20. The ears lobes? Or the ears in general?
  21. My skate colleagues face-b status this morning..."Well done to Saints for being top of the league. What's the prize for being top in October again? Is it an FA Cup winners medal? No, thought not." So many things I could say but its simply not worth it when the league says it all. So I made sure to tell him we were 14 points ahead of the Skates after only 12 games Enjoyed the game last night, not the most free flowing football but I do enjoy that fact we can now win games and stop our opponents from scoring and see out those close matches, without knowing we'll concede in the 89th minute each time. I still want to see more of de Ridder though!! Get him on earlier!
  22. I live about 5 mins walk from Fratton Park. Was hoping to get a ticket, probably won't be able to but if I did, it would be a nightmare!!
  23. FFS we need a bigger stadium!!! I know Turkish shares this view too.
  24. Jez

    West Ham build up

    That is not good news, for Tuesday or beyond.
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