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Everything posted by wooley7

  1. I’ve been looking for the score but nothing up yet. Really poor from the club.
  2. Found a video online of this game, nothing about a chip stopping on the line. I knew TW had a big part in the game. He was sent off for what is the most awful two footed tackle you are likely to see. Jumped a good foot over the ball straight in to the Vale players shin. There was a bit of a scrap off the ball in the first game which must have led to a bit of animosity. The conditions were shocking!
  3. Always have to watch strictly with my daughter. She had already picked Kai and AJ as her favourite after watching last week with her mum. She is very excited to know Kai’s dad played for saints. I might have this wrong but I’m sure it was Tommy who chipped the port vale keeper in the cup only for the ball to stop on the line due to the heavy rain. I went to the game on my own on a club coach, coach was pulled over while the ref did a pitch inspection. We lost 1-0. I would think about 93/94.
  4. First game this season I’m confident of win. Really positive about our start just need to get a win under our belts. 2-0 Armstrong to score.
  5. Why does he have to be making himself sound clever. These are terms used across football and make sense and fit with all the analysis that is done these days. I 100% agree on formations, in the 80’s and 90’s most teams lined up 442 or that’s how the teams were displayed to fans but players would take different positions. Before their was a ‘10’ there was the Teddy Sheringham position. Was never sure which position le tiss played in our 442 but it didn’t fit in that structure and the other players often changed their positions to accommodate him. Although Adams and Banali played ‘full back’ their roles in the team were very different. These days there is a way to differentiate these roles. I think that is similar across the pitch. Again there was less analysis so the subtleties of the various positions/roles within the ‘formation’ wasn’t discussed like it is now. I really don’t see the problem with these terms.
  6. Why are they hipster? like I said before they are phrases used by coaches, managers and analysts. They are not something I associate with blokes in checked shirts with manicured beards!😀
  7. Reading that again, is there a word misspelled? I did mean to write nonsense not none sense and there should be an S on poster but all the words used are spelt correctly.
  8. Good one.
  9. It hasn’t but it needs to be said. It’s very boring reading ignorant poster spouting none sense Ad Nauseam. A couple of posts up we have another lazy generalisation, anyone who uses modern terms is a hipster. Again just shows lack of intelligence. It seems if there is anything these poster don’t understand, it’s hipster! it’s on every bloody thread too.
  10. This one is easy, you are definitely not a genius!
  11. I should add when I say tactics that doesn’t mean formation. Two different things in my mind. Also, the pass back rule had a big effect on tactics.
  12. I agree. I’m not talking in absolutes here. The things that the terms refer to are just the same now as at anytime. When I was young there was little coverage or analysis so these terms weren’t used. Players still passed, made ‘key’ passes, tackled, intercepted the ball, won headers and pressed, etc. just that no one was recording it. These terms ‘new’ have been applied to modern analysis, personally I think it is interesting, not the be all and end all but there is some great information about players and teams now which I think can help give a better understanding of the game. if people don’t like it, that is fine but to constantly lambast others and make lazy genralisations about those that do is the problems here. A few individuals dominating every thread, arguing with anything outside of their understanding. Football, like most other things evolves, like most sports a large part of that is down to modern science, training and athlete lifestyle. I think suggesting tactics have not also changed since the advent of mass coverage, better pitches and modern analysis is just wrong.
  13. I don’t know why you bother engaging, I don’t blame you but it’s like trying to reason with cheese. I think we have a case of ignorance being bliss. Clearly you are not debating the brightest of people. These sweeping generalisations about people who play computer games are this, people who have played football to a good level are that, people who use modern language are something else. That in itself shows a complete lack of intelligence. It’s not just on this thread either it appears on every thread. The FA coaching manual uses these terms, all mangers in interviews use these terms, analysts on Sky (pundits for those who need it) use these terms. Wow betide anyone should use them on here!! Football tactics haven’t evolved at all?!? Seriously? That just has to be a wind up. For the record, I played to a decent standard as a youngster, my dad, who played youth/pro football with Watford and Gillingham as a teenager in the 60’s, took me to my first game when I was six. I both understand and use modern football parlance and I do play FM and I used to play loads of FIFA at university, as did pretty much every other person who played football.
  14. I came here to find the latest on who our new CB will be, nothing further on that. However, I have learnt that a number of our more frequent posters are insecure middle aged men, internally questioning their value in the modern world. Who knew....
  15. All true + In this game, next to Phillips, he looks the far better player in the 6 position. Adams just scored for Scotland!
  16. This. my hope is we get a quality left back. Will make a massive difference to the balance of our attack. Most important signing in my book. After that, would love a quality 10 too but as long as we get the LB and a bit more depth, I would be ok with that.
  17. Plays well, plays badly, he is one of ours. Some of the shit written about him is so over the top. He has not had a great season, really lacks confidence at the moment if he reads the internet it’s hardly surprising.
  18. So pleased for Redmond. Great assist and a cracking goal. Hopefully will give him a bit of respite from all the hateful pricks on here. (It won’t)
  19. It’s not just the big decisions going against us. It’s been this way for a few weeks. The game is being ruined, never felt so pissed off with football. Can deal with being out played and losing but there are a few games lately that have been decided against us by refereeing decisions.
  20. Switched to 433 for a while. Really like the tactical flexibility in games.
  21. Says he is keen on the move too.
  22. Just ignore him, here to besmirch others opinion while offering nothing. Sad and tedious.
  23. Really disappointing from Saints today. The passing was back to being slow and, two decent saves from the keeper aside, we didn’t create any decent chances. Ralf has talked about working on getting better in possession, I’m thinking that is a work in progress.... Hopefully given a few weeks on the training ground we will start to see everything we had last season combined with the attacking play to break down teams like Palace. I think most would agree that that has been a big problem for some time. I’m thinking this is the 1 step back to go 2 forward.
  24. Has become the most tedious poster on here.
  25. I do care about the result but at times in the last three games I have said it don’t care what happens, watching this team play gives me so much hope for next season. Two Ralph additions and Djenepo fit, looking forward to what that team can do.
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