No, he's not a 'pussy'. I also witnessed what happened. The guy that threw the punch was in front of me at the reading game. He started singing we want rupert out when we were 0 0 with reading and 1 up against reading. I told him to be quiet that day and he and his friends were so vile back. At least when things are okay in an individual game support the team. He said that why should he support this rubbish. So why was he there??? TO CAUSE TROUBLE!!!! The same guy and his croonies were the row behind me but further over. I heard them start singing anti-lowe chants on 20 mins when it was still 0 0 and we were playing well. Loads of people were telling him to shut up. He was and is an idiot. Left on 40 mins, didnt come back til 55. true fan i think not. The guy that got punched was totally in the right. I also dont like lowe, but wont protest during the game, especially if we are 0 0 or 1 0 down and in with a chance. We all support the same team, this is ridiculous. and as for someone saying about picking on someone smaller than him, thats a load of rubbish. This guy might have been small, but the filth that came out of him! He was an idiot. When the trouble kicked off in itchen they shouted 'look who it is' then said his name. He was there mate. Well done mate for standing up to the idiots.