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No 2 to Maybush

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Everything posted by No 2 to Maybush

  1. The King Alfred?
  2. Change the pictures of Fans in the concourses back to Saints Legends.
  3. Definitely time for the Old Bill to step in (again) and finger Storrie's collar. Trading while insolvent is illegal, i.e. the law has been broken. I wonder if the EPL could be taken to court for aiding and abetting a company to trade while insolvent? They are certainly complicit by allowing Pompey to continue operating in their franchise. They certainly can't claim they didn't know!
  4. But what if it is true Bridgey?
  5. You mean they're allowed to drive in this country? Thank goodness we're emancipated enough to allow women to drive. I would imagine a burka significantly cuts down peripheral vision. I would be interested to know how they get on looking over their shoulder when joining a main road from a side road. I wonder how driving examiners assess the frequency they check the rear view mirror. LOL.
  6. Here's an interesting snippet I came across today: Wikipedia is a primary player in the ClimateGate scam, led by William Connolley, cofounder of Mikey Mann's RealClimate.org: One person in the nine-member Realclimate.org team "U.K. scientist and Green Party activist William Connolley" would take on particularly crucial duties. Connolley took control of all things climate in the most used information source the world has ever known " Wikipedia. Starting in February 2003 ... he rewrote Wikipedia's articles on global warming, on the greenhouse effect, on the instrumental temperature record, on the urban heat island, on climate models, on global cooling. On Feb. 14, he began to erase the Little Ice Age; on Aug.11, the Medieval Warm Period. In October, he turned his attention to the hockey stick graph. He rewrote articles on the politics of global warming and on the scientists who were skeptical of the band. Richard Lindzen and Fred Singer, two of the world's most distinguished climate scientists, were among his early targets, followed by others that the band especially hated, such as Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, authorities on the Medieval Warm Period. All told, Connolley created or rewrote 5,428 unique Wikipedia articles. His control over Wikipedia was greater still, however, through the role he obtained at Wikipedia as a website administrator, which allowed him to act with virtual impunity. When Connolley didn't like the subject of a certain article, he removed it " more than 500 articles of various descriptions disappeared at his hand. When he disapproved of the arguments that others were making, he often had them barred " over 2,000 Wikipedia contributors who ran afoul of him found themselves blocked from making further contributions... The Medieval Warm Period disappeared, as did criticism of the global warming orthodoxy. http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blogs/fullcomment/archive/2009/12/18/370719.aspx Al Gore's Mann-made Global Warming nonsense is a scam on a magnitude that makes the Madoff heist look tame in comparison. Make of it what you will.
  7. Logistically the best place for the away supporters would be the Itchen North (easy stewarding onto the coaches, etc). Any other block would cause policing problems post-match, unless they are planning to introduce lock-ins for the away supporters as a regular occurance. I would like to see the back of those "supporter" murals they put up in the concourses a couple of seasons ago and the reintroduction of the Saints Legends murals that we used to have.
  8. Now you're getting close to the nub of the matter. The same could be said of scientists, BTW, i.e. they will all have an agenda.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gordon and his cronies have done a fantastic job of bankrupting this country. Irrespective of who wins the next election this country is going to have to get used to AUSTERITY, be it voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary would be preferable (and shorter) but it will more likely be involuntary because nobody is prepared to make the cuts necessary to sufficiently satisfy the market. Be prepared!
  10. I think the main issue for a number of "deniers" is that independant analysis of raw data seems to indicate little growth in temperature elevation, whereas when the software programme employed by the UEA and the other two major sites to "flatten the variables" is added to the numbers it results in the hockey stick graph we have all come to know and love. The fact that the three main sites share raw data and apply the same software programme means that there is no basis to claim that each site is performing independant analysis. My understanding of science in general is that, when one has a theory, one tests that theory against a model. If the model fails, then the theory is disproved. Unfortunately, in terms of the current debate, the scientists did not accept the failure of the theory when it failed against the model; rather they changed the model to make it fit the theory! That, in essence, is why "deniers" don't accept the "Facts" that are provided by these "scientists" I'm afraid. The only way that this debate can move forward is if the data is tested again against the original model. But unfortunately so much raw data has been "lost" by UEA they can't replicate the original work. There is no doubt that humanity is polluting the planet, and so anything that can be done to limit the impact the developed and developing world has on this can only be a benefit. But I am generally of the opinion that we are moving through a period of more generic climate change associated with a long term trend, associated with the lack of sunspot activity, rather than the hockey stick "shoot to the moon" analysis put forth by others. I am also deeply cynical of the carbon "cap and trade" invention that just appears to be a means of impoverishing the developed nations without providing any clear benefits to mankind. If someone would be kind enough to elucidate the benefits of this scam to me I would welcome the debate.
  11. Made me laugh seeing the "Marcus and PlentyofFish" ad on that site. How apt!
  12. And there I was thinking Cardiff was built on the exportation of coal. As well as the family fortune of the Marquis of Bute.
  13. On a Saturday afternoon the Sun shines quite low into the eyes of the team playing towards the Chapel in the first half. Second half it's usually sunk below the height of the stadium roof. That's the only reason I've been able to come up with over the years, as, like you, I've never been able to work out why they consistently do this
  14. I take it you've already bought your season ticket then?
  15. Stuart Pearce lives in a small village South of Hungerford. His wife keeps horses. Nice gaff TBH.
  16. I've done that for the last two months and still see no progress. I will therefore give it another week, but have little faith that the deal will be concluded by then. If I was Fry I would be seriously evaluating the other bids.
  17. Every day Pinnacle drag their heels in concluding the deal is one day less to prepare for next season. This bickering with the league over the -10 seems rediculous, merely over a point of principle. Pinnacle entered into negotiations to buy this club in full cognizance of the fact that there was a -10 penalty imposed by the league. It really is time to sh it or get off the pot. I have to say that this prevarication over concluding the deal on the part of Pinnacle does not fill me with confidence in the future, regardless of MLT's involvement with the bid.
  18. What - to go with the other loanees that we had at the time? ROFLAO
  19. Interesting history Dave. I thought the animosity started when Chivers went there, I can remember being really gutted, which is where I thought it started, but was unaware of the Ramsey link. It obviously goes back a long way then.
  20. What gets said on the stump doesn't always get translated into action once in office. We as saints fans should be critically aware of that fact! Whoever wins, they are only the glove puppet, so I wouldn't expect too much of a deviation away from the pnac agenda. I would still expect Obama to pursue war around the world in support of the military industrial complex, as 80% of US manufacturing is connected in one way or another to the Defense Budget. I don't see Obama saying he will repeal the Patriot Act if he gets into power either....
  21. Is that the same Obama who was allegedly born in Kenya (thus making him ineligible to be US President) but claims he was born in Hawaii? The same Obama who is obfuscating producing his birth certificate under subpoena in the hope that he can get to the election before he needs to show it? The same hypocrite Obama who stood in Berlin and demanded a world without walls the day after flying in from Israel? I pity the Americans. It'll be same sh it, different face. Both main candidates are OWNED by corporate america. Still, it'll be interesting to see if the election goes ahead after the cr ap hits the fan on the 21st October. Stock up on food and make sure you have enough cash to get you through the next few weeks when the banks close.
  22. I've a question - perhaps Ponty will know the answer. Do the cars still have bargeboards on their underside? If so, do they still have to be a specified thickness at the end of the race?
  23. My take, FWIW. Bring back slicks, gearlevers, reduce downforce and drop refuelling. Cars to carry sufficient fuel to finish the race. Pitstops only for tyrechanges. Then we'd see how many of the nonces can actually drive a car properly and nurse it to the finish of a race.
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