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wagon 84

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Everything posted by wagon 84

  1. For what its worth C/S you have just posted what i was thinking, i was looking forward to buying the echo on Monday & quickly felt disappointed & let down with there response towards the protests. Again saw the interview on the championship with wotte & thought he could've chosen his words a bit more carefully. And finally please don't get me started on the stewarding at st mary's!!!
  2. Yes i agree fair play to those taking part in the demonstrations, but the point of the demonstrations on sat is to let lowe what we as supporters think of him & the way he & wilde are running our club. I made a point in another post saying lowe (if he turns up) will bypass any demonstrations before & after the game & only be told about them & do you think this man will give a toss..NO I would suggest during the game we all stood as one "stand up if you want lowe out" the media & camera's would be there for the world to see, & lowe's eggo may just be dented, i know its during the game but i see no other way. Nicey nicey demonstration outside will NOT budge this man one bit, we need to start playing dirty & if that means conceding a home win then so be it.
  3. Fair play to ya Tim, just good to see in these troubled times at least someone is trying to do positive things.. Keep the red flag flying mate...
  4. Iv got to say this forum is a joke- Reason... You only have to scroll through the different posts to see what i mean, a typical example is this post from T/T, the man makes a valid suggestion & gets put on his ass, not only with his nothing to lose suggestion but his grammar as well ! I just think in these troubled times when i can't remember in my 44 years life time we have been so low as a club we need to stick together, anyway goodluck Tim i know you got the club at heart, i just wish 0ne or two others see that aswell.
  5. Gutted for you my son! How the f uck you lasted this long with yer hands & legs tied & a gun to yer head is anyones guess, there is someone at this club that should have gone & it wasn't you. Goodluck i hope things workout for you.
  6. I see most of you agree to the demonstrations be outside the ground ect, my point is what will lowe see? nothing, would it surprise anyone he could turn up late & leave early avoiding any confrontation, yeah he will get told about the demonstration before & after the game but do you really think he will give a toss? NO If the whole ground stood as one & sang "stand up if you want lowe out" for him & the whole world to see it just may touch a nerve or two. Now before we get the lets get behind the team b ollocks for 90mins what the f uck do you think we've have been doing all season.. Anyway good luck with your demo ...
  7. If theses ****s at the club had not ****ed it up in the first place then we wouldn't be worrying about £100,000. So the lowe puts us in the **** & we the fans have to pay top doller to watch our club.
  8. Can never be forgiven for putting on that blue filth shirt on. End of.!
  9. Just got my ticket & they said they have around 400 left.
  10. I agree, total overkill from the ob.. & the performance from the so called players.. well not much to sing about & leaving 20 minutes from the end says it all.. nightmare trip..
  11. I hear the yoof could make an appearance for this one.. So im looking forward to all you happy clapping shirt waving xmas tree's having your moan later..
  12. 100% Agree with all that.. Also anyone that starts clapping like a seal should be banned!
  13. Does that include you?
  14. Yeah was one of mine too.. until he put that blue shirt on with the Muslim crest!
  15. 15-20 youth ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, with a couple of lads taking a hiding. No weapons used i:e scaffold poles, they were just out numbered 3-1.. The two lads are ok few cuts & bruises..So thats that now we can move on from this topic & talk about the Exeter game..
  16. Mick Channon QPR 2-2 Big Mac think it was against forest, cant remember score, Steve Mills Cant remember score but i think Keegan played.. MLT i am not worthy... Jason Dodd Franny cult hero.. Clause not sure if that spelt correct but you know what i mean.. these are just of the top of my head, im sure there is more...
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