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  1. see my post above, the county was where i had my wedding reception back in 1994 when jim McCalliog ran it, now an indian resturant, but the claro beagle is still the claro beagle and is my local.
  2. yes there is a few manchester/liverpool based saints on here, theres also a northern saints facebook page.
  3. yes Bob, it'll be a saturday, and yes wear the sash if you like! i'll be in touch when the dates confirmed mate.
  4. sadly not Bob, just had a long weekend down there so cant get away with another!! there will be our annual lads day out in york in a month or so though so i'll give you a bell when weve settled on a date.
  5. id agree with that, not a great accent to have! dont mind mine having yorkshire accents though.
  6. miserable sod D ;-)
  7. your right about this forum, for the first five years or so after i moved up i used to travel to games on my own, then i found this forum and via this found a network of people based in the north to go to games with, even now (as this thread proves) you find connections with other people as well.
  8. yes, the george, opposite that little roundabout at the bottom of the high street, no idea where he is now though.
  9. norwich drive is virtually opposite my house, i live in the bungalow next to the co-op, i got married up here and we had our reception at the "county" which was on the other side of skipton road from the empress, now an indian restaurant and was run at the time by no other than Jim McCalliog!!! my wife still dont believe me to this day that i hadnt chose this venue just because it was run by a saints legend! I love it up here and ive never regretted moving here, yes its a trek getting to games but a small price to pay to live here, the other ex pats feel the same way (just a consideration for you the next time the mrs brings the subject up again! ;-) )
  10. he wanted to be different from everyone else at school by choosing a team no one else supported up here so chose a team down the bottom of the table, and that turned out to be saints!!!! he might have chose them out of sympathy but he's been loyal red'n'white from that day.
  11. what are their names mate? ive been up here 20 years and thought i knew all the match going saints here!
  12. yes mate i do, been up here a long time, theres a few match going saints here in harrogate as well as a few non match going ive bumped into over time. Id hazzard a guess the car you saw was a blue peugeot? that'll be pete, i know he has a scarf on his back seat, either that or Jamie (the lad the thread is about) i know the empress well mate, not a pub i use regulary but did used to go in there on my way into town when i lived on knaresborough road, live the other end of harrogate now on jennyfields if you know where that is? near the hydro swimming baths? my local now is the claro beagle opposite the hydro? Next time your up here you should give me a shout and i'll get our fellow saints out for a few jars.
  13. just a shame he felt the need to get such a stupid tattoo though! when i first met him nigh on 20 years ago i went into a glass merchants up here and there was this lad sat behind the counter, broad northern accent, but there bold as brass was a saints crest tattoo'd on his forearm!!!
  14. see the other thread mate, a close friend of mine, northern born and bred but loves saints!
  15. YEP, its my mate Jamie from up here in harrogate, one of those strange breeds of person who has no connection with southampton (born halifax, lives in york) who lives and breathes southampton!!!!
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