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Everything posted by tttdcs

  1. did NickG hit a nerve with you "Alpine Saint"?
  2. I have two spare tickets available for saturday if anybody wants them.
  3. You are too busy watching matches in "Austria"
  4. I thought he had better game today.
  5. ok "alpine saint"
  6. games in "Austria" ?
  7. It does not help with the skate WUM on this site
  8. LOL also they had no change in the tills, but the spicy chicken pasty was suprisingly good !
  9. tttdcs

    Toilet Rolls

  10. Apprently Sheffield Wednesday are worried about this and have widened their pitch to help themselves.
  11. My favourite post for a long time! LOL
  12. Skatesmuff School of Accountancy ............. http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5hMOaqIo9d5xNHCDPuKuPjZR3b8aw
  13. Funny that I have a Wednesday mate (from Winchester, short fat and bald ... same one ?) he thinks exactly the same :-)
  14. The Russians will probably demolish Dean Court build houses all over the land and move/merge the team with Poole.
  15. Agreed he always has been a c*ck
  16. 2.62 return on your money if you think England will be knocked out on Wednesday.
  17. Did'nt we lose at home to them at the Dell, evening game in the 90'S ? Same thing over confident and our cherry friends playing like it was their cup final.
  18. Alpine Saint more like .......... Gosport Skate
  19. tttdcs

    Cortese V Lowe

    I think this thread sums up why the "kenny everett logo" would be most apt !
  20. Yes and the ticket office will be cursing, weeks of sat on their arse and then chaos :-)
  21. it does seem an odd choice for a pre-season "friendly" :-)
  22. Pardew when interviewed after the Southend match said something along these lines and making sure they were 100% ready at the first match.
  23. + 1 vote
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