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Everything posted by TheSaint75

  1. no more discussion till Friday.....then we let rip
  2. I agree entirely, except I don't think it is your position to be outing the other bid to ensure it fails. I also now who they are but wouldn't contemplate an attempt to disrupt a potential bid, that is down to MF through discussions with all parties involved.
  3. Derry, whilst I understand what you are saying, I do not believe why you would possibly want to upset the wheels which are no doubt in motion. You are not the clubs custodian, although you may have the best intentions, lets all just reign it in until we hear an announcement that MF has made a decision based on what is best for the creditors
  4. The Rod & WGS rumour has been around a while, not heard a peep about Harding tho' TBH I see no reason why we can't have Lucy and consortia money!
  5. What Harding rumour? are you just starting it for fun or do you have a reason, I assume you mean Jayhard the plumbers merchants?
  6. I would prefer an immediate solution with a long term plan for success, as opposed to an immediate solution and being broke in 12mnths time again because they have no long term plan
  7. That I am liking the sound of, long term success is what we need not a quick short term fix
  8. There are also Bank of Scotland connections (not RBS), also Sheik Hamad who I maybe wrong in thinking, has horses with Channon!
  9. Are you saying http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/candy-and-candy-sweet-dreams-777220.html these guys are involved??
  10. Has anybody any real idea how long we have got left without major cash injection? I am starting to get worried, and some thought it would be a breeze being in admin!
  11. I thought Lynam was at Pinnacle not RBS?
  12. Is that just from reading other threads, or do you know something we don't?
  13. Why is nearly every link on the Pinnacle website dead? Who knows anything about Tony Lynam, is he related to Des? Too many questions, not enough answers!!
  14. Couldn't find anything that related to an Agency in Southampton called Pinnacle, I therefore thought it was BS and moved on
  15. The plot thickens, I'd forgot he played in Italy
  16. Maybe Burlesconi (sp) is looking for a feeder club for the Italian team he owns/finances, can't remember which but it's Juve or AC I think!
  17. Do they get the rest of the club for that £5m
  18. I've been told by someone who knows him that he isn't interested....he is also a Man Ure fan
  19. I saw one lad spitting, absolute disgraceful behavior so I punched him to the ground and made him lick it up
  20. So what happened to him??? surely he expected a kickin? did he get it?
  21. Watching the lads follow him out from the itchen filled me with joy....I just knew he was going to get his ****in head kicked in.........sorry if that comment is soo bad, but **** em...****s
  22. Why can't players be made redundant, if a company falls on hard times it makes cut backs...... why don't football clubs get rid of surplus players to solve wage demands? I know the football world works in funny ways but could it be done by law?
  23. Wasn't the main reason to stop clubs not being able pay other clubs owed transfer fees or buying players outside their financial ability.....which does not apply to us, loss of gate receipts has cost us? Youre right the the FL a complete tos5ers
  24. I think he has been talking to that lot down the road, his missus is expecting and they want to move back south. As you say, there is nobody to be talking to at SFC about a transfer
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