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Everything posted by TheSaint75

  1. LOL.....what about 1st class?
  2. Whilst walking through a car park in Florence I noticed a car was bought from a Pompey garage by the reg plate. As it had obviously travelled a few miles it was covered in dust......perfect for a nice big SKATE to be written on the back window, I just wish I had seen the reaction when the owner returned
  3. TheSaint75


    When Mr Bizzle becomes the next SFC manager (on the back of self promotion) you will not be allowed into SMS for comments like that, how very dare you question his doubted ability to be the greatest manager ever
  4. £40m? Err..... no
  5. TheSaint75


    What do the Poles listen to, to invade the UK then?
  6. TheSaint75


    I wonder if Mr 94% has joined the uni debating team.....or is he just a cyber mass-debater?
  7. TheSaint75


    And probably got made to look a c*** by Gillett, hence the mentally scarred life he now leads!!
  8. TheSaint75


    That figures how he has a job
  9. TheSaint75


    What I am saying, although a bit tongue in cheek, is that size alone means nothing to how much ability you have. I happen to think that Gillets' low center of gravity makes it harder for him to be pushed off the ball in the way Lalana does, it his more his distribution that lets him down which has f all to do with size. Get it?
  10. TheSaint75


    In the same way as as Messi or Maradona are small? I don't believe his size hinders him, just that some of his passing is a bit wayward at times
  11. TheSaint75


    I wasn't at the game last night so I bow to your superior knowledge (if not spelling ) However he has had good games and don't think he is without skill just maybe not consistency IMO
  12. Football is full of opinion........it's just that yours seems very wrong. I can see why he plays wotton with MS, we just need a footballing version of him, with similar stature, experience and verbal organisation, but one that can pass and read the game and not chase shadows! Gillet is not ****, he makes mistakes yes, but has room for improvement as he is young, Wotton is not going to get any better!
  13. I travel to games with mates but do not sit with them, all the different people I have had s/t's with no longer attend, but I like my seat so have stuck with it. I usually know a few people that sit close, so can have a beer with at h/t if I wish. Doesn't matter who you are with when the game is on anyway.
  14. Is it because you really want to watch him at the Arse' ? Especially as nobody could have heard of the Saints !! http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=300992#post300992
  15. The digger might have have been built ages ago
  16. I would have thought so if you are near the press section and had the encryption key. Can't you just email photo's anyway, you can from a Blackberry?
  17. LOL, I'm not sure as I wasn't there but lets face it SFC wasn't the same prospect in Feb as it is now! He maybe laughed as there was truth in it but wasn't interested :smt102 All I do know is that the guy I know who is mates with AP is very poor at feeding me info Trousers, do memorise every post made on here ?
  18. I have on good authority that as of last week Pardew wasn't a candidate, he also doesn't want to move far from London as he has just built a new house, but how far is too far I don't know. Will report back if I hear more
  19. Apparently, Mr Fry didn't even add some names/groups to the tender, or whatever you would call it! I thought all parties that showed interest would have been listened too and given the same opportunity as the others, but it seems not ! We may never know (or care) just how many or how lucrative a choice of new owners we could have had if Mr Fry had been doing his job properly! IMO
  20. Benali doesn't seem to think or want Wotte to stay on it seems
  21. 1st time I had noticed, good spot SS
  22. Any ideas?
  23. Liebherr OUT FFS......don't mean it really
  24. I'm naturally a happy go lucky kinda guy, don't need the juice
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